In a Free State 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
先看的《大河湾》,这是我读的奈保尔的第二本书,并不是很理想。 因为《自由国度》是获奖作品,所以理所当然有期待,所以希望落空时很失落就是了。 我比较喜欢第一个篇《合众为一》,将一个印度仆人死缠烂打主人之后跟着去了美国,在哪里开始觉醒,逃离主人开始人生,最后妥协...
评分【读品】成刚/文 《自由国度》捧走了1971年的英国布克奖,后惨遭二十家英国出版社不留情面的退稿,固然跟《星期日泰晤士报》在文稿署名处隐去奈保尔的名讳代之以不见经传的假名有关,暴露出当今出版社编辑仰名家鼻息弃小卒不睬的陋习。奈保尔本人对这一尴尬局面的应对很有技巧...
评分康德说:所谓自由,不是随心所欲,而是自我主宰。可谁又曾真正拥有过自己,能够主宰自我呢? 自由,就是一片丛林,你我早已在追逐自由国度中迷失了方向。 v.s.奈保尔: 我曾经在镜中端详自己, 决定做个自由人, 然而现在, 自由使我认识到, 我有一张脸,一副躯体; 我必须在...
评分【读品】罗豫/文 为检验文学出版业编辑的水平,英国《星期日泰晤士报》曾做过一个实验:他们把某位诺贝尔文学奖得主的一部重要作品(曾获布克奖)第一章换用假名,寄给了20家英国出版社,结果所有出版社审稿编辑都发出了退稿信。这一实验,简直成为文学领域一个小小的“索卡尔...
评分【读品】成刚/文 《自由国度》捧走了1971年的英国布克奖,后惨遭二十家英国出版社不留情面的退稿,固然跟《星期日泰晤士报》在文稿署名处隐去奈保尔的名讳代之以不见经传的假名有关,暴露出当今出版社编辑仰名家鼻息弃小卒不睬的陋习。奈保尔本人对这一尴尬局面的应对很有技巧...
图书标签: 文:英/美/加/澳 原文/英 V.S.Naipaul BritishLiterature BookerPrizeWinner
"In a Free State" deals in displacement. It tells first of an Indian servant in Washington, then of an Asian West Indian in London who is in jail for murder. Then the story moves to Africa, to a fictional country something like Uganda or Rwanda. The two main characters are English. They once found Africa liberating, but now it has gone sour on them. At a time of tribal conflict they have to make the long drive to the safety of their compound. In the background, the threat of violence looms. The voices in this novel are breathtakingly vivid, while the characters are portrayed with an intelligence and sensitivity that is rarely seen in contemporary writing. Dennis Potter described the book as one 'of such lucid complexity and such genuine insight, so deft and deep, that it somehow manages to agitate, charm, amuse and excuse the reader all at the same pitch of experience'. This is one of V.S. Naipaul's greatest novels, hard but full of pity.
1971 edi. 两个短篇好。
评分1971 edi. 两个短篇好。
评分1971 edi. 两个短篇好。
评分1971 edi. 两个短篇好。
评分1971 edi. 两个短篇好。
In a Free State 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书