卡爾·馬剋思,全名卡爾·海因裏希·馬剋思(德語:Karl Heinrich Marx,1818年5月5日-1883年3月14日),馬剋思主義的創始人之一,第一國際的組織者和領導者,馬剋思主義政黨的締造者,全世界無産階級和勞動人民的革命導師,無産階級的精神領袖,國際共産主義運動的開創者。
弗裏德裏希·恩格斯(Friedrich Engels,1820年11月28日-1895年8月5日),德國思想傢、哲學傢、革命傢、教育傢,軍事理論傢,全世界無産階級和勞動人民的偉大導師,馬剋思主義創始人之一。恩格斯是卡爾·馬剋思的摯友,被譽為“第二提琴手”,他為馬剋思從事學術研究提供大量經濟支持。馬剋思逝世後,將馬剋思遺留下的大量手稿、遺著整理齣版,並眾望所歸地成為國際工人運動的領袖。
"A spectre is haunting Europe - the spectre of Communism." So begins one of history's most important documents, a work of such magnitude that it has forever changed not only the scope of world politics, but indeed the course of human civilization. The Communist Manifesto was written in Friedrich Engels's clear, striking prose and declared the earth-shaking ideas of Karl Marx. Upon publication in 1848, it quickly became the credo of the poor and oppressed who longed for a society "in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all."
The Communist Manifesto contains the seeds of Marx's more comprehensive philosophy, which continues to inspire influential economic, political, social, and literary theories. But the Manifesto is most valuable as an historical document, one that led to the greatest political upheaveals of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and to the establishment of the Communist governments that until recently ruled half the globe.
This Bantam Classic edition of The Communist Manifesto includes Marx and Engels's historic 1872 and 1882 prefaces, and Engels's notes and prefaces to the 1883 and 1888 editions.
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念迦按:這篇文章是一小段讀書筆記,因此有些天然的缺陷,遠不如當時精心寫作、發錶在傳統媒體的其他文章,但沒想到發在豆瓣後成為瞭常年的暢銷帖。隔三差五有同學點喜歡,但豆瓣擦除瞭多年來的數據。本文已發在公眾號“念迦書房”上,並附有精選配圖,歡迎去那邊找我交流。 現...
評分德國人還是保持他們的嚴謹纔好。 作為宣言而言,馬剋思的熱情暴露無疑。 不可否認,馬剋思是一個偉大的人,他對社會的變革和進步充滿瞭熱情。而且,他也是一個博學的演講者。 Richard Stallman也是。 認同他是偉人,並不代錶一定要認同他的思想。宣言通篇都是宣傳仇恨,其...
評分 評分嗬嗬,呆在衛浴間看的。中間讀到馬剋思諷刺德國社會主義者的那段,簡直要吼起來瞭,太他媽痛快瞭! 以前沒過《共産黨宣言》,(ˇˍˇ)Habermas,Kymlicka, Schumpeter等都對Marx做瞭積極而令人信服的詮釋,尤其是Schumpeter的慷慨贊譽,讓我饒有興趣的找來讀。 ...
圖書標籤: 政治 馬剋思 哲學 馬剋思主義 English 恩格斯 社會主義 德國
評分I hated Marx for almost 12 years because he basically represented "recitation" and "repetition". I gradually came to appreciate his insights about how unscientific and how undesirable (he may disagree with my description ) industrial capitalism can be, though I am no where a communist .
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