Orphaned at an early age, Jane Eyre leads a lonely life until she finds work as a governess at Thornfield Hall, where she meets the mysterious Mr. Rochester and sees a ghostly woman who roams the halls by night. This is a story of passionate love, travail and final triumph. The relationship between the heroine and Mr. Rochester is only one episode, albeit the most important, in a detailed fictional autobiography in which the author transmuted her own experience into high art. In this work the plucky heroine is outwardly of plain appearance, but possesses an indomitable spirit, a sharp wit and great courage. She is forced to battle against the exigencies of a cruel guardian, a harsh employer and a rigid social order which circumscribes her life and position.
The novel that cries out for the stage has gotten the stage. The story is beautifully adapted and acted.
— The New York Post
So we open Jane Eyre... The writer has us by the hand, forces us along her road, makes us see what she sees, never leaves us for a moment or allows us to forget her. At the end we are steeped through and through with the genius, the vehemence, the indignation of Charlotte Bronte.... It is the red and fitful glow of the heart's fire which illuminates her page.
— Virginia Woolf
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迴傢買瞭一些新書,但是鼕天裏肅穆冰冷的小城,永不停息的暖陽,肆虐的流感,溫暖的床和曾經徘徊的書架,一切都沒有變過。記憶雖在遷徙,可年華依舊如水。夢中我依舊讀著那些摯愛的舊書,這可能就是我夢遊的根源。 近兩日復讀瞭《簡愛》 總覺得這是一個鼕天的故事,在素...
評分重讀瞭夏洛蒂·勃朗特的《簡·愛》,距離上一次讀它已經有20年的時間。對於一個故事充斥的年代來說,這部19世紀並不以情節齣眾的小說和小說的女主人公的外貌一樣平平,甚至有些乏味,但是,還是有很多細節,很值得去深深體味一番。 《簡·愛》首先並不是一部超越瞭時代的作品...
評分《簡愛》裏有我最喜歡的一個情景,“客廳的隔壁是一間小小的餐室,我溜瞭進去。裏麵有一個書架。不一會兒,我從上麵拿下一本書來,特意挑插圖多的,爬上窗颱,縮起雙腳,像土耳其人那樣盤腿坐下,將紅色的波紋窗簾幾乎完全拉攏,把自己加倍隱蔽瞭起來。 在我右側,緋紅色窗幔的...
圖書標籤: 英國文學 夏洛蒂·勃朗特 小說 名著 經典 外國文學 原著 原版
A common girl and her uncommon experience.
評分A common girl and her uncommon experience.
評分喜歡就是 讀過各種版本
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