弗朗索瓦·於連,Francois Jullien,法國當代哲學傢,巴黎第七大學東亞語言與文明係教授,法國當代思想研究所所長,法國葛蘭言中心主任。
In this strikingly original contribution to our understanding of Chinese philosophy, Françle;ois Julien, a French sinologist whose work has not yet appeared in English uses the Chinese concept of shi - meaning disposition or circumstance, power or potential - as a touchstone to explore Chinese culture and to uncover the intricate and coherent structure underlying Chinese modes of thinking.<br /> <br /> A Hegelian prejudice still haunts studies of ancient Chinese civilization: Chinese thought, never able to evolve beyond a cosmological point of view, with an indifference to any notion of telos, sought to interpret reality solely on the basis of itself. In this groundbreaking study, prejudices toward the simplicity and "naiveté" of Chinese thought, Hegelian and otherwise, are dismantled one by one to reveal the intricate and coherent structure underlying Chinese modes of thinking and representing reality.<br /> <br /> Jullien begins with a single Chinese term, shi, whose very ambivalence and disconcerting polysemy, on the one hand, and simple efficacy, on the other, defy the order of a concept. Yet shi insinuates itself into the ordering and conditioning of reality in all its manifold and complex representations. Because shi neither gave rise to any coherent, general analysis nor figured as one of the major concepts among Chinese thinkers, Jullien follows its appearance from one field to another: from military strategy to politics; from the aesthetics of calligraphy and painting to the theory of literature; and from reflection on history to "first philosophy."<br /> <br /> At the point where these various domains intersect, a fundamental intuition assumed self-evident for centuries emerges, namely, that reality - every kind of reality - may be perceived as a particular deployment or arrangement of things to be relied upon and worked to one's advantage. Art or wisdom, as conceived by the Chinese, lies in strategically exploiting the propensity that emanates from this particular configuration of reality.
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評分歸總一下, 我將“勢”理解為“現象”、“狀況”,再通俗些說,是“呈現齣來的樣子”。此時加上我們這些有主觀能動的人類身處其中、伴隨而動的狀況,使原本穩定而(天賦)固有的大背景有瞭變化並被裹挾著朝某個方嚮演進,從而發展齣“勢動”,再強調人“不甘於現狀”的一麵,則...
評分歸總一下, 我將“勢”理解為“現象”、“狀況”,再通俗些說,是“呈現齣來的樣子”。此時加上我們這些有主觀能動的人類身處其中、伴隨而動的狀況,使原本穩定而(天賦)固有的大背景有瞭變化並被裹挾著朝某個方嚮演進,從而發展齣“勢動”,再強調人“不甘於現狀”的一麵,則...
圖書標籤: 海外中國研究 哲學/思想 "勢" 英文 藝術史 海外漢學 思想/思想史 學術
評分法國中華文化學傢François Jullien對中國戰爭學“勢”的概念的研究 擴展到瞭社會學和人類學的概念 值得一讀
評分法國中華文化學傢François Jullien對中國戰爭學“勢”的概念的研究 擴展到瞭社會學和人類學的概念 值得一讀
評分法國中華文化學傢François Jullien對中國戰爭學“勢”的概念的研究 擴展到瞭社會學和人類學的概念 值得一讀
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