Andy Budd國際頂尖的網頁設計師,著名的Web標準倡導者。他是網頁設計谘詢公司Clearleft(的創意總監,曾經組織瞭英國首屆Web2.0會議。他在Web設計方麵著述甚豐,除本書外,他還曾經撰寫瞭一本Blog設計方麵的圖書。
This book is your indispensable guide to cutting-edge CSS development--all you need to work your way up to CSS professional.
You'll learn how to:
Plan, organize, and maintain your stylesheets more effectively
Apply the secrets of liquid, elastic, and hybrid layouts
Create flickr™-style image maps, remote rollovers, and other advanced CSS features
Lay out forms using pure CSS
Recognize common browser bugs, and how to fix them
While CSS is a relatively simple technology to learn, it is a difficult one to master. When you first start developing sites using CSS, you will come across all kinds of infuriating browser bugs and inconsistencies. It sometimes feels like there are a million and one different techniques to master, spread across a bewildering array of websites. The range of possibilities seems endless and makes for a steep and daunting learning curve.
By bringing all of the latest tips, tricks, and techniques together in one handy reference, this book demystifies the secrets of CSS and makes the journey to CSS mastery as simple and painless as possible. While most books concentrate on basic skills, this one is different, assuming that you already know the basics and why you should be using CSS in your work, and concentrating mainly on advanced techniques.
It begins with a brief recap of CSS fundamentals such as the importance of meaningful markup, how to structure and maintain your code, and how the CSS layout model really works.
With the basics out of the way, each subsequent chapter details a particular aspect of CSS-based design. Through a series of easy-to-follow tutorials, you will learn practical CSS techniques you can immediately start using in your daily work. Browser inconsistencies are the thorn in most CSS developers' sides, so we have dedicated two whole chapters to CSS hacks, filters, and bug fixing, as well as looking at image replacement; professional link, form, and list styling; pure CSS layouts; and much more.
All of these techniques are then put into practice in two beautifully designed case studies, written by two of the world's best CSS designers, Simon Collison and Cameron Moll.
Summary of Contents:
Chapter 1: Setting the Foundations
Chapter 2: Visual Formatting Model Recap
Chapter 3: Background Images and Image Replacement
Chapter 4: Styling Links
Chapter 5: Styling Lists and Creating Nav Bars
Chapter 6: Styling Forms and Data Tables
Chapter 7: Layout
Chapter 8: Hacks and Filters
Chapter 9: Bugs and Bug Fixing
Case Study 1: More Than Doodles
Case Study 2: Tuscany Luxury Resorts
CSS Mastery 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
隻是略讀,細節瞭解的不多,但是能夠掌握全局就行 - 感覺css最主要的就是兩點,一是selector,以及各種style是如何cascade的;二就是布局,box model+position+floating。這本書還有對background, links, list, form, table這些比較重要元素的的詳細介紹,還帶有兩個case study...
評分本書由資深網站設計師Andy Budd撰寫,正如作者在引言中所言: “CSS Mastery is aimed at anybody with a basic knowledge of (X)HTML and CSS. If you have just recently dipped your toes into the world of CSS design, or if you’ve been developing pure CSS sites for...
評分china-pub上的: 我想殺死這個翻譯 又糟蹋瞭一本好書 Chapter 8: Hacks and Filters 第八章 招數和過濾器 9.1 Bug Hunting bug捕捉 Controlling content area with descendant selectors 用後代選擇器控製控製內容區域 Fuax colmns Fuax列 Fixed-width, liquid, and elas...
評分說起內容,絕對是沒得說。 說起這本書的翻譯,看得我想自殺,太痛苦瞭。什麼翻譯嘛,有時候,前後不通,強烈懷疑翻譯的人是通過google翻譯,然後再調整下語序,稍作修改而來的,也懷疑他是不懂css,還是翻譯完後沒有自己好好地看過一遍。 人民群眾賺錢不容易,不能那這種翻譯來...
評分僅從應用的角度而言,《精通CSS》是一本非常的“好用”的書。 同時也是一本非常“不好讀”的書——從翻譯角度看,本書最大的問題是語言邏輯混亂以及自創的專業詞匯。 就後者來說,專業詞匯可以從很多地方獲得,像是藍色理想之類專業社區,或參考一些颱灣版的相關書籍——甚至...
圖書標籤: css web Web標準 XHTML 設計 網頁技術 前端開發 design
評分skipped case study and sections about IE6
CSS Mastery 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載