Book Description
The text used in this Norton Critical Edition is the edition published by Garland Press (1989). The text is accompanied by: excerpts from Thackeray's letters and reviews; contemporary reviews; contextual documentation and historical accounts; and 10 critical essays from the last 90 years.
A classic, set during the Napoleonic wars, giving a satiricl picture of a worldly society and revolving around the exploits of two women from very different backgrounds.
From AudioFile
The incomparable Miriam Margolyes applies her story-telling and histrionic gifts to this classic satire of two young English women, one bad but clever and the other good but stupid, who come to no good during the Napoleonic Wars. The abridgers have cut a bit too much at the expense of the characterizations. Although sounding somewhat forced, Margolyes, as always, gives an excellent performance. Y.R.
Book Dimension:
length: (cm)23.5 width:(cm)14
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英國十九世紀批判現實主義小說傢薩剋雷成名之作.故事主要描述英國中等階級,從鄙視一切商業的十足鄉紳氣派的大股東,到小本經紀得店掌櫃以及律師手下的小書記. 英國在十九世紀前期成瞭強大的工業國,擴大可殖民地,加速瞭資本主義的發展.當時講究的是放任主義和自由競賽,富者愈富,...
評分一、 年青時讀紅樓夢,會想,做老婆的話,林黛玉好,還是薛寶釵好。 當時不理解曹雪芹。我的心裏是偏嚮寶釵的。 寶釵多好呀,漂亮、聰明、脾氣好,群眾基礎也好。 黛玉有什麼好的,身體不好,乾不瞭傢務,脾氣又壞,嘴巴尖酸,還動不動就哭。我最討厭愛哭的女生瞭。 年青的時候...
評分 評分一本好書的標準在我這裏就是放諸四海皆準:這故事剝去錶麵浮華,放在任何時代、任何國度都是一個活生生的故事——這就是本好書。 《名利場》便如此:任何時候、任何國傢都有貧富分化,沒人能一輩子一帆風順,貧傢小戶的姑娘想要齣人頭地,中産階級想要結識真正的...
圖書標籤: Thackeray 英國文學 小說 FAIR名利場 VANITY English 消遣 William
I love it soooo much! Where's my Dobbin?
評分I love it soooo much! Where's my Dobbin?
評分What make a good inventor?Tenderness and a sense of humor...
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