The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
《第三帝国的兴亡》可以说明一些问题: 1、资本主义经济发展到相对兴盛时期,用战争可以实现霸权,也可以推动科技的发展; 2、希特勒的“社会主义”模式证明:计划经济可以推动社会进步,也会毁灭一个理想社会; 3、当权者的性格弱点是毁灭一个国家的重要因素; 4、德意志民族...
评分就像看人物传记喜欢看主人公年轻时在干吗一样,我对纳粹当政初期及巩固权力这一段时期特感兴趣,所以总结了下希特勒当时做了神马: 1严格控制媒体,政府控制宣传,对传统艺术进行打压 2科技停滞 3在青年学生中成立青年团,团员需要下乡- -有没有很熟悉 4对劳工流动严格控制 5公...
评分在柏林已被封锁,帝国已经逃脱不了陷落的命运时,依旧有无数优秀的德意志子弟执着地从机舱跳向已经变成地狱的柏林,宁愿与他们的国家共存亡,为什么? 保罗.肯尼迪在《大国的兴衰》中用无数详尽的数据和事实说明,国家的经济和国家的霸权相辅相成。他叹服于英国在这方面的成功...
评分国家的兴亡,意味着每一个人的存亡。 在柏林已被封锁,帝国已经逃脱不了陷落的命运时,依旧有无数优秀的德意志子弟执着地从机舱跳向已经变成地狱的柏林,宁愿与他们的国 家共存亡;斯大林格勒无数优秀的俄罗斯子弟几乎是用肉体来阻挡敌人的进攻;国共两党军队在各自的战场对日...
图书标签: 历史 二战 德国 纳粹 第三帝国 英文原版 Nazi 战争
Orville PrescottThe New York TimesOne of the most important works of history of our time.^Hugh Trevor-RoperThe New York Times Book ReviewA splendid work of scholarship, objective in method, sound in judgment, inescapable in its conclusions.^Theodore H. WhiteA monumental work, a grisly and thrilling story.^John GuntherOne of the most spectacular stories ever told.
评分Even after finishing this book, I still wondered 'how could 37% of German people have voted for Hitler' and 'what was Neville Chamberlain thinking'? Now I know. Maybe it's time to stop listening to the statisticians and start listening to the historians.
评分作为写希特勒的美国人 作者的立场有点微妙
评分What a history! Although some will differ against the author's "nature of a nation" approach, nevertheless this is a detailed history into some of the most intriguing part of that era. The profiles of the characters in the book are especially vivid and alive, while the humanist view of the history by the author is also memorable.
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书