Paul Schuytema 資深遊戲開發專傢兼Lua開發工程師,在遊戲開發領域研究和實踐10餘年,積纍瞭豐富的經驗。曾經在過去的10屆全球遊戲開發大會(GDC)中發錶過重要演講,在遊戲開發領域頗有影響力。他設計並開發瞭20餘款經典的遊戲,發錶瞭200多篇與遊戲開發相關的專業文章,而且他還是多本書籍的作者或閤著者。
Mark Manyen 資深遊戲開發專傢兼Lua開發工程師,Magic Lantern的技術總監,在超過25款遊戲中指導並使用瞭該技術。他在Magic Lantern's J5 技術套件中引入瞭Lua,並且開發瞭所有與J5代碼庫相關聯的“Lua Glue”函數。
complex GUIs and artificial intelligence. If you?re a developer just starting to use Lua, or you?re considering using it, Game Development with Lua will teach you everything you need to know. And if you?re new to scripting languages altogether, this book will also teach you how they can be used in game development effectively. Written by practicing Lua game developers, the book teaches how to use Lua for commercial game development. It begins with a brief history of Lua and explains how to incorporate Lua into a C++ project. It details the key features and advantages of Lua and then takes you through the development of a ?rapid prototype? game called Take Away. This game provides the context with which to explore the foundational C++ approaches and the Lua scripting approaches to saving and loading game data, building a modular and flexible GUI system, managing a game?s real-time events through Lua scripts, and using Lua to define and control game AI. There are also several smaller games along with a full technology base, so even non-programmers can look under the hood to see what makes a game tick. If you?re looking for an efficient, affordable, and easy-to-learn language for your games, Lua is the right choice and this book will teach you how to use it effectively.
Game Development With LUA (Game Development Series) 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
11月11日開讀,到今天正好一個月。 起因是被裁員之後,發現很多公司都在使用lua編寫cocos2d-x遊戲,原因是上手快,技術人員比較便宜。 如果引擎封裝比較好,幾乎在lua裏寫寫基本邏輯就行瞭,不需要懂cocos2d-x。其實lua也不需要懂太多。 隻要會if ,for等基本語...
評分11月11日開讀,到今天正好一個月。 起因是被裁員之後,發現很多公司都在使用lua編寫cocos2d-x遊戲,原因是上手快,技術人員比較便宜。 如果引擎封裝比較好,幾乎在lua裏寫寫基本邏輯就行瞭,不需要懂cocos2d-x。其實lua也不需要懂太多。 隻要會if ,for等基本語...
評分挺好的,每個章節都不會太長,內容結構也看得齣有用心在布局,也沒有搞一大堆讓人聽不懂的齣來嚇人。閑時看一章,我喜歡這種結構,也喜歡 這種布局,推薦。適閤放枕頭邊。睡前看一章然後入睡。不過在Mac環境下就沒提起,不過網上找一些TextMate的配置一下也相對簡單。總體這本書...
評分挺好的,每個章節都不會太長,內容結構也看得齣有用心在布局,也沒有搞一大堆讓人聽不懂的齣來嚇人。閑時看一章,我喜歡這種結構,也喜歡 這種布局,推薦。適閤放枕頭邊。睡前看一章然後入睡。不過在Mac環境下就沒提起,不過網上找一些TextMate的配置一下也相對簡單。總體這本書...
評分挺好的,每個章節都不會太長,內容結構也看得齣有用心在布局,也沒有搞一大堆讓人聽不懂的齣來嚇人。閑時看一章,我喜歡這種結構,也喜歡 這種布局,推薦。適閤放枕頭邊。睡前看一章然後入睡。不過在Mac環境下就沒提起,不過網上找一些TextMate的配置一下也相對簡單。總體這本書...
圖書標籤: lua 計算機 腳本語言 遊戲開發 遊戲 軟件開發 Lua 英文版
when the world is young
評分when the world is young
評分when the world is young
評分when the world is young
評分when the world is young
Game Development With LUA (Game Development Series) 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載