Michael J. Sandel is the Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor of Government at Harvard University, where he has taught political philosophy since 1980. He is the author of Liberalism and the Limits of Justice (Cambridge University Press, 1982, 2nd edition, 1997; translated into eight foreign languages), Democracy's Discontent: America in Search of a Public Philosophy (Harvard University Press, 1996), Public Philosophy: Essays on Morality in Politics (Harvard University Press, 2005), and The Case against Perfection: Ethics in the Age of Genetic Engineering (Harvard University Press, 2007). His writings also appear in general publications such as The Atlantic Monthly, The New Republic, and The New York Times. Sandel teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in contemporary political philosophy, including "Ethics, Biotechnology, and the Future of Human Nature," "Markets, Morals, and Law," and "Globalization and Its Critics." His undergraduate course, "Justice," has enrolled over 12,000 students. In 1985, he was awarded the Harvard-Radcliffe Phi Beta Kappa Teaching Prize, and in 1999 was named a Harvard College Professor in recognition of his contributions to undergraduate teaching.
Sandel has lectured to academic and general audiences in North America, Europe, Japan, India, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and China. He was a visiting professor at the Sorbonne (Paris) in 2001, and delivered the Tanner Lectures on Human Values at Oxford University in 1998. The recipient of three honorary degrees, he has received fellowships from the Carnegie Corporation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Ford Foundation, and the American Council of Learned Societies. From 2002 to 2005, he served on the President's Council on Bioethics, a national council appointed by the President to examine the ethical implications of new biomedical technologies. A summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Brandeis University (1975), Sandel received his doctorate from Oxford University (D.Phil.,1981), where he was a Rhodes Scholar. He lives with his wife and two sons in Brookline, Massachusetts.
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原载 《华东师范大学学报:哲学社会科学版》2016 3期 内容提要:桑德尔《民主的不满》一书的主要观点和立场,基本上是我们所赞同的。但是,桑德尔此书所描述的美国200年来共和主义的德行主张却可以讨论和质疑,即共和主义的德行论未能区分公德与私德,强调公民德行而忽视人的德...
评分原载 《华东师范大学学报:哲学社会科学版》2016 3期 内容提要:桑德尔《民主的不满》一书的主要观点和立场,基本上是我们所赞同的。但是,桑德尔此书所描述的美国200年来共和主义的德行主张却可以讨论和质疑,即共和主义的德行论未能区分公德与私德,强调公民德行而忽视人的德...
评分此书是迈克尔•桑德尔教授在《自由主义与正义的局限》之后,又一本关于自由主义的著作。作者试图从公共哲学概念的角度,来探讨美国的民主体制不断再造的过程,展示并试图解释了这个时代的焦虑——自治的丧失和共同体的侵蚀。 (一) 针对公共哲学的概念,《民...
评分[美]桑德尔著.曾纪茂译. 《民主的不满:美国在寻求一种公共哲学》[M].江苏人民出版.2008 译者的话 1. 本书从美国的公共话语中,选取美国司法实践中的宪政观念与社会生活中的政治经济观念分析自由主义的不足。。。从中发掘出绵延不绝的共和主义传统。 2. 传统共和主义思考这些问...
评分1、如果要把本书作者的观点做一个比方的话,那就是---作者担心过于强调个体权利的美国会变成一盘散沙,同时担心“各自为阵”会削弱“共同体”。 作者异于常人的观点在于:政治若一味地在道德与宗教问题上保持中立,可能导致道德空虚,从而为狭隘的、不宽容的道德说教敞...
图书标签: 政治学 哲学 政治哲学 桑德尔 政治 critics Sandel 电子版
Hear Lawrence Buell, Michael Sandel, Stanley Cavell, and Wai Chee Dimock speak at the Bicentennial Emerson Forum to be held April 3, 2003 at Harvard University. Read more...
The defect, Sandel maintains, lies in the impoverished vision of citizenship and community shared by Democrats and Republicans alike. American politics has lost its civic voice, leaving both liberals and conservatives unable to inspire the sense of community and civic engagement that self-government requires.
In search of a public philosophy adequate to our time, Sandel ranges across the American political experience, recalling the arguments of Jefferson and Hamilton, Lincoln and Douglas, Holmes and Brandeis, FDR and Reagan. He relates epic debates over slavery and industrial capitalism to contemporary controversies over the welfare state, religion, abortion, gay rights, and hate speech. Democracy's Discontent provides a new interpretation of the American political and constitutional tradition that offers hope of rejuvenating our civic life.
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