Michael J. Sandel is the Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor of Government at Harvard University, where he has taught political philosophy since 1980. He is the author of Liberalism and the Limits of Justice (Cambridge University Press, 1982, 2nd edition, 1997; translated into eight foreign languages), Democracy's Discontent: America in Search of a Public Philosophy (Harvard University Press, 1996), Public Philosophy: Essays on Morality in Politics (Harvard University Press, 2005), and The Case against Perfection: Ethics in the Age of Genetic Engineering (Harvard University Press, 2007). His writings also appear in general publications such as The Atlantic Monthly, The New Republic, and The New York Times. Sandel teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in contemporary political philosophy, including "Ethics, Biotechnology, and the Future of Human Nature," "Markets, Morals, and Law," and "Globalization and Its Critics." His undergraduate course, "Justice," has enrolled over 12,000 students. In 1985, he was awarded the Harvard-Radcliffe Phi Beta Kappa Teaching Prize, and in 1999 was named a Harvard College Professor in recognition of his contributions to undergraduate teaching.
Sandel has lectured to academic and general audiences in North America, Europe, Japan, India, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and China. He was a visiting professor at the Sorbonne (Paris) in 2001, and delivered the Tanner Lectures on Human Values at Oxford University in 1998. The recipient of three honorary degrees, he has received fellowships from the Carnegie Corporation, the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Ford Foundation, and the American Council of Learned Societies. From 2002 to 2005, he served on the President's Council on Bioethics, a national council appointed by the President to examine the ethical implications of new biomedical technologies. A summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Brandeis University (1975), Sandel received his doctorate from Oxford University (D.Phil.,1981), where he was a Rhodes Scholar. He lives with his wife and two sons in Brookline, Massachusetts.
Hear Lawrence Buell, Michael Sandel, Stanley Cavell, and Wai Chee Dimock speak at the Bicentennial Emerson Forum to be held April 3, 2003 at Harvard University. Read more...
The defect, Sandel maintains, lies in the impoverished vision of citizenship and community shared by Democrats and Republicans alike. American politics has lost its civic voice, leaving both liberals and conservatives unable to inspire the sense of community and civic engagement that self-government requires.
In search of a public philosophy adequate to our time, Sandel ranges across the American political experience, recalling the arguments of Jefferson and Hamilton, Lincoln and Douglas, Holmes and Brandeis, FDR and Reagan. He relates epic debates over slavery and industrial capitalism to contemporary controversies over the welfare state, religion, abortion, gay rights, and hate speech. Democracy's Discontent provides a new interpretation of the American political and constitutional tradition that offers hope of rejuvenating our civic life.
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此書是邁剋爾•桑德爾教授在《自由主義與正義的局限》之後,又一本關於自由主義的著作。作者試圖從公共哲學概念的角度,來探討美國的民主體製不斷再造的過程,展示並試圖解釋瞭這個時代的焦慮——自治的喪失和共同體的侵蝕。 (一) 針對公共哲學的概念,《民...
評分政治哲學就是那種看起來離我們很遠,但實際上跟每個人都息息相關。 這本書有關於“自由”的部分,以美國憲法的形成過程開始探討,對個人和對國傢而言,自由到底是什麼,建立在什麼基礎上?也有關於公民身份的政治經濟學部分,自由與民主的踐行有哪些關聯,他是怎麼影響瞭我們的...
評分1p 當代人習以為常的核心觀念,在曆史的思想傳統中往往是是歧齣的新路,於是其是否真的具有超越時空的閤理性,也變得可疑起來。 4p 自治的喪失(loss of self-government)和共同體的侵蝕(erosion of community),一起界定瞭這個時代的焦慮。 5p 自由在於選擇我們目的和價值的能...
評分載於新京報·書評周刊2016年4月2日版:http://epaper.bjnews.com.cn/html/2016-04/02/content_629041.htm?div=-1 因字數限製有刪減和修改,此為全文 1. 共和主義與獨立自治 社群主義政治哲學傢邁剋爾·桑德爾以其公開課《正義》聞名於世,其齣版於1996年的作品《民主的不滿...
圖書標籤: 政治學 哲學 政治哲學 桑德爾 政治 critics Sandel 電子版
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