西蒙・辛格(Simon Singh)出生于萨默塞特耶,具有印度旁遮普血统,曾在伦敦帝国学院学习物理,并在剑桥大学获得粒子物理学博士学位。在BBC电视台《明日世界》工作5年后,于1996年为《地平线》系列节目合作制作和导演了关于费马大定理的获奖记录片。
Fermat's Last Theorem 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
这本书的好就勿需多言了,在讲述费马大定理被破解的过程中展现了几千年来人类知识的进步,并同时伴以类似侦探小说的写法,让我有看《达芬奇密码》一样欲罢不能的冲动。 这本书看着看着就有一种亲切的感觉泛起来,看到了久违的勾股定理、想起了世界上还有虚数这样一个东西存在.....
评分 评分这本书的好就勿需多言了,在讲述费马大定理被破解的过程中展现了几千年来人类知识的进步,并同时伴以类似侦探小说的写法,让我有看《达芬奇密码》一样欲罢不能的冲动。 这本书看着看着就有一种亲切的感觉泛起来,看到了久违的勾股定理、想起了世界上还有虚数这样一个东西存在.....
评分一 古希腊的毕达哥拉斯发现了数学的奥妙,并声称天地万物由数支配。这一切务必完美无缺。所以当他的学生西帕索斯认识到根号2变化无常,不能用老师的有理数模式来解释时,毕达哥拉斯下令淹死了他。 数学在欧洲历史上曾长期处于停滞状态,这与学术圣殿亚历山大图书...
评分只是图书馆中的偶遇。只是想起一位矢志学数学的好友似乎提到过看过这本书。 于是,一个之前连费马是何许人也都不清楚的人经历了一场值得珍藏一生的奇妙的数学时空之旅。 翻开这本书,就不想再合上去了,她的引人入胜与武侠小说相比是有过之而无不及,她的悬疑惊险一波三折更是...
图书标签: 数学 科普 Fermat Math 英文原版 英文 SimonSingh AndrewWiles
The extraordinary story of the solving of a puzzle that has confounded mathematicians since the 17th century. The solution of Fermat's Last Theorem is the most important mathematical development of the 20th century. In 1963 a schoolboy browsing in his local library stumbled across the world's greatest mathematical problem: Fermat's Last Theorem, a puzzle that every child can understand but which has baffled mathematicians for over 300 years. Aged just ten, Andrew Wiles dreamed that he would crack it. Wiles's lifelong obsession with a seemingly simple challenge set by a long-dead Frenchman is an emotional tale of sacrifice and extraordinary determination. In the end, Wiles was forced to work in secrecy and isolation for seven years, harnessing all the power of modern maths to achieve his childhood dream. Many before him had tried and failed, including a 18-century philanderer who was killed in a duel. An 18-century Frenchwoman made a major breakthrough in solving the riddle, but she had to attend maths lectures at the Ecole Polytechnique disguised as a man since women were forbidden entry to the school. A remarkable story of human endeavour and intellectual brilliance over three centuries, Fermat 's Last Theorem will fascinate both specialist and general readers.
很棒! Simon Singh是很好的科普读物作家,马不停蹄的找他的另外书。
评分"Es war so unbeschreiblich schön; so einfach und elegant." 那无与伦比的美;如此纯粹并且充满灵性。
Fermat's Last Theorem 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书