"Lots of entrepreneurs make money.Lots of entrepreneurs who make money write books.Few of those books make you glad they did. This one does."
The New York Times Book Review A provocative autobiography by the visionary leader of the worlds fastest-growing media empire "A classic tale of a nimble, customer-focused, entrepreneurial David outsmarting bureaucratic, ossified, corporate Goliaths."
Business Week "Michael Bloomberg is the most creative media entrepreneur of our time and, with Bill Gates, perhaps the most successful."
Rupert Murdoch, Chairman & Chief Executive, News Corporation "Entertaining, engaging, and informative, Bloomberg by Bloomberg is packed with great advice about how to start a lean, hungry companyand how to keep it that way."
Bryan Burrough, coauthor, Barbarians at the Gate "The man with Wall Streets best known generic name has written an autobiography that keeps you up late to finish.The book is full of wonderful insights about Wall Street and about starting and growing a new business."
Julian H. Robertson Jr., Chairman, Tiger Management LLC "This is the best insight yet on how one man shook up the entire financial information industry."
Richard Branson, Chairman, Virgin Group of Companies
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在豆瓣開瞭一個專欄,主要寫投資自我管理方麵,歡迎關注:http://read.douban.com/column/93927/ 當一個事物太好瞭,那它可能是假的。 如果一個傳記,理念多於事實,那麼這不是一個真誠的傳記。 作者哈佛商學院畢業後想去參軍,因為平闆足沒去成。 作者是堅定的男女平等主義...
評分梁啓超曾經說:“讀名人傳記,最能激發人誌氣,且於應事接物之智慧增長不少,古人所以貴讀史者以此。” 我平時挺喜歡看各種名人的自傳,通過名人傳記的閱讀,不僅可以激勵我在生活中勇往直前,而且讓我明白想要和他們一樣成功,至少需要哪些重要的品質。 但是,原諒我的孤陋寡...
評分我喜歡這本書,特彆是其中的兩段,關於創業的,摘錄之: 如果想要成功,你需要有一個構想,一個負擔得起的、實用的,並且滿足某種客戶需求的構想。然後,就為之而努力。不要過多地操心細節。不要低估你自己的創造力。不要過度地去分析這個新項目的潛力。最重要的是,不要做太...
評分圖書標籤: Bloomberg 金融 自傳 傳記 人物 財經 美國 創業
評分完全暢銷書口吻 作為渲染華麗的ps寫作參考是可以的 作為一個個人自傳是無聊的
評分三年之後再讀這本書,感觸確實不一樣。身邊的變化也是天翻地覆。對公司的瞭解,對why do we have to do what we do有瞭新的認識。人的成長藉助於閱曆(讀書)和經曆。兩者結閤纔能看到一個更全麵的世界。
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