Gravetter and Wallnau's proven best-seller offers the straightforward instruction, accuracy, built-in learning aids, and wealth of real-world examples that professors AND students have come to appreciate. The authors integrate applications to ensure that even students with a weak background in mathematics can achieve mastery of statistical concepts. They skillfully demonstrate that having an understanding of statistical procedures will help them not only understand published findings, but also become savvy consumers of information. Known for its exceptional accuracy and examples, this text also has a complete supplements package to support instructors with class preparation and testing.
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評分那麼你快看這一本吧! 這個是解救你齣統計的燈塔啊!!! 所有的概念都是循序漸進,很有條理,十分清晰。 所有題目都有根有據,步驟明確。 它不會像張那本一樣突然蹦齣個你完全不曉得的概念。 也不會隻一個公式草草打發你。 你是慢慢遊進瞭海的中央,而不是被人噗通一聲扔...
Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載