The Temple of the Golden Pavilion 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
评分沟口对金阁纵火,就是艺术家对美复仇。 1. 少年沟口因为“美”这种颇有些虚无主义的问题就可以决心和金阁一起殉情,不论怎么想,他也不是个单纯清爽的寺院小沙弥,无论怎么想他都太怪异了。三岛为这小说做了最精细的调查,把事件的外表还原到了完美的程度,包括鹿苑寺相关的种...
评分《金閣寺》:美……美的東西,對我來說,是怨敵 三島由紀夫認為作家不能擺脫作品的世界而存活。1970年三島由紀夫切腹自殺,可以說是一場有預謀的、輝煌的自殺。而這自殺行為關係至三島作品或其人生中三個重要的關鍵詞:毀滅、美、男性。而前兩者無疑是《金閣寺》的重要主題...
评分总的来说,每一种中文译本都有不少问题。其中林少华翻译的青岛版有好几个误译(如开篇第二段主角父亲在他人恳求下出家,竟误为「由于他本人再三请求」),但却比较忠实原文;而大家经常称赞的台湾星光版,反倒「二次创作」的倾向最明显。 (有趣的是,林少华翻译的大陆版村上...
图书标签: 日本文学 日本 三岛由纪夫 小说 三島由紀夫 金阁寺 语录体 *
Because of the boyhood trauma of seeing his mother make love to another man in the presence of his dying father, Mizoguchi becomes a hopeless stutterer. Taunted by his schoolmates, he feels utterly alone until he becomes an acolyte at a famous temple in Kyoto. He quickly becomes obsessed with the beauty of the temple. Even when tempted by a friend into exploring the geisha district, he cannot escape its image. In the novel's soaring climax, he tries desperately to free himself from his fixation.
Mishima constructed a story of how a stuttering young man became the arsonist of the golden pavilion. The story itself was marvelously intriguing because it intertwined the boy's psychological degeneration which was obviously a string of disasters with his philosophical development which, in some mysterious way, seemingly legitimate and agreeable.
评分Knowledge, it is the knowledge that helps us to endure this unbearable being.
评分第一遍读完觉得完全无法安放。读了临济录再回头看金阁寺 才觉得有点读懂Mishima想要表达什么。
评分Mishima constructed a story of how a stuttering young man became the arsonist of the golden pavilion. The story itself was marvelously intriguing because it intertwined the boy's psychological degeneration which was obviously a string of disasters with his philosophical development which, in some mysterious way, seemingly legitimate and agreeable.
评分对自然风景的描写真乃一绝。小和尚心理活动的手法让我想起了老陀,但又带着一种独特的压抑含蓄,不知这种含蓄是日本特色,还是东亚特色,闷骚至极,味淡如水,却又后味绵长。私以为唯一美中不足的是最后结局有些仓促,点一支烟… 好像是《Sopranos》的结局
The Temple of the Golden Pavilion 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书