An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
有人说,休谟主要的贡献在于对因果关系和归纳法的怀疑上,对于人性的理论就显得平淡无奇。这里无非是指观念和印象的划分。其实,全书是一个逻辑严密的演绎体系,而观念与印象的划分起到的就是笛卡尔“我思故我在”的逻辑起点的作用。 即使在心理学积淀空前丰富的今天,...
评分休谟的怀疑论完全以他否定归纳原理为依据,证明了纯粹经验主义不是科学的充足基础,归纳是一个独立的逻辑原理,是从经验或从其他逻辑原理都推论不出来的,没有这个原理,便不会有科学。 彻底的经验主义带来的两个推论 1,所有的知识都只具有一定限度内的确定性,世界并不如我们...
评分一 休谟给自己写的自传中说,自己不喜欢学法律,也尝试了经商,但是毫无兴趣,唯一的热爱,在于思考哲学和一般学问。老王说,每个人一生都有一个主题。休谟就是哲学沉思,就像苏格拉底的探索知识,笛卡尔、康德和斯宾诺莎也是如此。或许我也是如此,因为我在别的很多工作或生活...
评分图书标签: 哲学 休谟 philosophy Hume David_Hume DavidHume 英语 爱尔兰
Oxford Philosophical Texts Series Editor: John Cottingham The Oxford Philosophical Texts series consists of authoritative teaching editions of canonical texts in the history of philosophy from the ancient world down to modern times. Each volume provides a clear, well laid out text together with a comprehensive introduction by a leading specialist, giving the student detailed critical guidance on the intellectual context of the work and the structure and philosophical importance of the main arguments. Endnotes are supplied which provide further commentary on the arguments and explain unfamiliar references and terminology, and a full bibliography and index are also included. The series aims to build up a definitive corpus of key texts in the Western philosophical tradition, which will form a reliable and enduring resource for students and teachers alike. David Hume's aim in writing An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding (1748) was to introduce his philosophy to a European culture in which many educated people read original works of philosophy. He gives an elegant and accessible presentation of strikingly original and challenging views about the limited powers of human understanding, the attractions of scepticism, the compatibility of free will and determinism, and weaknesses in the foundations of religion. Hume's philosophy was highly controversial in the eighteenth century and remains so today. The text printed in this edition is that of the Clarendon critical edition of Hume's works. A substantial introduction by the editor explains the intellectual background to the work and surveys its main themes. The volume also includes detailed explanatory notes on the text, a glossary of terms, a full list of references, and a section of supplementary readings.
Hume 是个实诚人儿
评分Beyond me
评分不愧是罗素推崇的大师,确实很有养分。虽然读起来甚是艰辛,但很有收获。另外这本书版本很好,一堆background info,真的很有帮助。
评分牛,我好喜欢他说话的风格和方式,铿锵有力但也充满宽容,有点像我滴心灵鸡汤(。很多论点很有意思,反思连接了很多以往哲学家的观点。第十一章他和朋友对话好好玩,把道理一层层说通了!以及mitigated skepticism太有意思了555555
评分Hume 是个实诚人儿
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书