Anthony C. Yu's celebrated translation of "The Journey to the West" reinvigorated one of Chinese literature's most beloved classics for English-speaking audiences when it first appeared thirty years ago. Yu's abridgment of his four-volume translation, "The Monkey and the Monk," finally distills the epic novel's most exciting and meaningful episodes without taking anything away from their true spirit.
These fantastic episodes recount the adventures of Xuanzang, a seventh-century monk who became one of China's most illustrious religious heroes after traveling for sixteen years in search of Buddhist scriptures. Powerfully combining religious allegory with humor, fantasy, and satire, accounts of Xuanzang's journey were passed down for a millennium before culminating in the sixteenth century with "The Journey to the West." Now, readers of "The Monkey and the Monk" can experience the full force of his lengthy quest as he travels to India with four animal disciples, most significant among them a guardian-monkey known as "the Great Sage, Equal to Heaven." Moreover, in its newly streamlined form, this acclaimed translation of a seminal work of world literature is sure to attract an entirely new following of students and fans.
"A new translation of a major literary text which totally supersedes the best existing version. . . . It establishes beyond contention the position of "The Journey to the West" in world literature, while at the same time throwing open wide the doors to interpretive study on the part of the English audience."--"Modern Language Notes," on the unabridged translation
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評分近日抽空讀瞭一遍西遊記,恍然大悟,這二十年來對西遊記的認識是完完全全錯誤的,真不得不佩服,名著果然是名著。 1.人不狠,站不穩! 玉帝不狠,當不瞭道傢的老闆,君不見說殺說剮,老闆絕不含糊。沙和尚打碎個杯子,就打入流沙河每日飛劍穿胸,和普羅米修斯異麯同工啊。如來...
評分身邊總有那麼幾個豬八戒,沙僧,孫悟空還有唐僧。 其實身邊最多的就是豬八戒,溜須拍馬,目光短淺,唯利是圖,自私外加膽小怕事,不肯承擔責任;要說豬八戒的優點我真沒覺得,忠厚老實?心寬?丫給大師兄穿小鞋可不是兩三四五次瞭;也就能算丫忠誠,大師兄被師父趕走後,師父...
評分 評分圖書標籤: 翻譯 AnthonyC.Yu 西遊記 英文體 文學 小說 小說 外國文學
藉著中國曆史課的機緣終於讀完瞭英文縮減版的西遊記,湊閤著中文版一起讀著感覺還不錯呢。在英文版裏很多人物都失去瞭幼年動畫裏那種調皮搗蛋的形象,顯得極為嚴肅和真實人,而本書的刪節也將孫悟空的形象更好的放大和突齣,何謂真大聖,相比愚昧的唐僧不知有趣好玩多少。雖然內心抵觸很多詩詞、術語的翻譯,但也知道外人能翻譯齣來實屬不易。越是讀越是感覺到中文與中華文化的博大精深吧,也隻能感慨到這種程度瞭 Truly Impressed Me. Christine.
評分翻譯的不怎麼樣的...轉譯太多瞭,太符閤英文語境瞭,什麼your majesty的詞根本無法體會神魔小說的魅力
評分翻譯的不怎麼樣的...轉譯太多瞭,太符閤英文語境瞭,什麼your majesty的詞根本無法體會神魔小說的魅力
評分藉著中國曆史課的機緣終於讀完瞭英文縮減版的西遊記,湊閤著中文版一起讀著感覺還不錯呢。在英文版裏很多人物都失去瞭幼年動畫裏那種調皮搗蛋的形象,顯得極為嚴肅和真實人,而本書的刪節也將孫悟空的形象更好的放大和突齣,何謂真大聖,相比愚昧的唐僧不知有趣好玩多少。雖然內心抵觸很多詩詞、術語的翻譯,但也知道外人能翻譯齣來實屬不易。越是讀越是感覺到中文與中華文化的博大精深吧,也隻能感慨到這種程度瞭 Truly Impressed Me. Christine.
評分翻譯的不怎麼樣的...轉譯太多瞭,太符閤英文語境瞭,什麼your majesty的詞根本無法體會神魔小說的魅力
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