拉斯·特维德是一位成功的金融衍生品投机客、基金经理和投资银行家。1996年,他与人合作创立了一家名为The Fantastic Corporation的宽带因特网公司(www.fantastic.com),同时,他还是一家名为European Focus(www.provalue.ch)的对冲基金的董事。
The Psychology of Finance 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
利用周末整整一天的功夫认真地阅读了金融心理学这本书。原以为会对价值分析有帮助,但是越读越觉得是技术分析的理论心理解释,除了序言对价值有所提起,后面大量的篇幅在于解释各种技术分析层面的心理状况。 当然,该书第一篇,第二篇,第五篇,第六篇对心理学的介绍还是比较到...
评分这本书让我意识到,股市巧妙的把复杂性科学和心理学联系在一起了,许多技术分析的结论,其实符合投资者心理变化。 1. 市场有一种强烈的正反馈力量。正反馈意味着,如果你们理解动力学,你们有可能预期短期的市场走势,但是,它同时意味着预测长期走势是不可能的。数学上,我们...
评分http://www.tudou.com/playlist/playindex.do?lid=5564983 _________________________________________ N:麦兜啊,你是不是还想做OL(办公室女郎)啊? M:妈妈不让,他说我要传宗接代呀 N:那你想做什么? M:还是去做救生员吧,反正我有一条游泳裤。 N:你不是很怕死么...
评分http://www.tudou.com/playlist/playindex.do?lid=5564983 _________________________________________ N:麦兜啊,你是不是还想做OL(办公室女郎)啊? M:妈妈不让,他说我要传宗接代呀 N:那你想做什么? M:还是去做救生员吧,反正我有一条游泳裤。 N:你不是很怕死么...
图书标签: 金融 finance 心理学 经济 SP
There is one constant factor in the chaos of the markets and that constant is human psychology. In the Psychology of Finance readers are shown how the marketa s characteristics that arise can be interpreted and learnt from. This revised edition contains new examples and updates to charts. There is also a summary of the characteristics of each phase of the equity market, bear bottom, rise, bull peak, and decline. It includes an appendix covering the history of economic psychology Written in an extremely readable and enjoyable style it shows how psychology can drive movements in the prices of financial assets, breakdown key market phenomena, eg, irrational attitude changes in the individual, and their indicators.
Know yourself how to make decisions, not just about investment.
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The Psychology of Finance 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书