The Natural History of Selborne 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
如果选择给你的爱人读一本书,泰戈尔雪莱拜伦的一首小诗或许是最容易的选择,但每次遇到阳光从树叶缝隙洒下,坐在长椅,握一瓶冰凉的asti读书的时刻,我都很想有一个人在我身边,让我伴着蝉鸣给他念这本书的一篇。 这本书吉尔伯特•怀特在自己的家乡塞尔伯恩,写给朋友的信,...
评分他喜欢水车轮的吱吱声, 他喜欢驻足歌唱的画眉, 他喜欢嗡嗡的蝇子 飞舞于他的桃树间; 他爱看落日的余晖 返照于爬满长春藤的果园的墙, 或歇一霎神,谛听远方的 榉树林的布谷声。 吉尔伯特•怀特,1720年出生于塞尔伯恩,父亲是当地有名律师,祖父是所在教区的教堂牧师,...
评分图书标签: 自然 外国文学 博物学 随笔 美国 科普 NaturalHistory 自然之歌
More than any other writer, Gilbert White (1720-93) has shaped the relationship between man and nature. A hundred years before Darwin, White realised the crucial role of worms in the formation of soil and understood the significance of territory and song in birds. His precise, scrupulously honest and unaffectedly witty observations led him to interpret animals' behaviour in a unique manner. This collection of his letters to the explorer and naturalist Daines Barrington and the eminent zoologist Thomas Pennant - White's intellectual lifelines from his country-village home - are a beautifully written, detailed evocation of the lives of the flora and fauna of eighteenth-century England.
Somehow it makes me happy to discover a person or some people like him.
评分Somehow it makes me happy to discover a person or some people like him.
评分Somehow it makes me happy to discover a person or some people like him.
评分Somehow it makes me happy to discover a person or some people like him.
评分Somehow it makes me happy to discover a person or some people like him.
The Natural History of Selborne 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书