哈罗德·布鲁姆(1930— ),当代美国著名文学教授、“耶鲁学派”批评家、文学理论家。曾执教于耶鲁大学、纽约大学和哈佛大学等知名高校。主要研究领域包括诗歌批评、理论批评和宗教批评三大方面,代表作有《影响的焦虑》(1973)、《误读之图》(1975)、《西方正典》(1994)、《莎士比亚:人的发明》(1998)等,以其独特的理论建构和批评实践被誉为“西方传统中最有天赋、最有原创性和最有煽动性的一位文学批评家”。
How To Read and Why 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
在西方文学研究界,哈罗德•布鲁姆是个十足的异类,一方面,他列出的那些伟大的书的清单,被英国批评家约翰•凯里讥讽为 “当然不是给人类看的,它们倒更像是发送给上帝的期末汇报,好让他老人家看看他的人间子民们是多么具有文化修养“,把布鲁姆说得像个陈腐的学院...
评分读万卷书,走万里路只有在科技不发达的闭塞年代才有可能成立:能读万卷书,是因为竹简上刻不了几个字,万卷也没有多少内容。 而现在动辄几十数百万字的出版物,不要说读万卷,以一月精读两本书的速度,一年也仅能读24本,一生不过千余本。 不过好在当你读的越多,越知道哪些...
评分 评分读万卷书,走万里路只有在科技不发达的闭塞年代才有可能成立:能读万卷书,是因为竹简上刻不了几个字,万卷也没有多少内容。 而现在动辄几十数百万字的出版物,不要说读万卷,以一月精读两本书的速度,一年也仅能读24本,一生不过千余本。 不过好在当你读的越多,越知道哪些...
图书标签: HaroldBloom 文学理论 美国 文学 文学批评 Literature 草草翻过 英文
"Information is endlessly available to us; where shall wisdom be found?" is the crucial question with which renowned literary critic Harold Bloom commences this impassioned book on the pleasures and benefits of reading well. For more than forty years, Bloom has transformed college students into lifelong readers with his unrivaled love for literature. Now, at a time when faster and easier electronic media threaten to eclipse the practice of reading, Bloom draws on his experience as critic, teacher, and prolific reader to plumb the great books for their sustaining wisdom.
Shedding all polemic, Bloom addresses the solitary reader, who, he urges, should read for the purest of all reasons: to discover and augment the self. Always dazzling in his ability to draw connections between texts across continents and centuries, Bloom instructs readers in how to immerse themselves in the different literary forms.
Probing discussions of the works of beloved writers such as William Shakespeare, Ernest Hemingway, Jane Austen, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Charles Dickens, and William Faulkner highlight the varied challenges and delights found in short stories, poems, novels, and plays. Bloom not only provides illuminating guidance on how to read a text but also illustrates what such reading can bring -- aesthetic pleasure, increased individuality and selfknowledge, and the lifetime companionship of the most engaging and complex literary characters.
Bloom's engaging prose and brilliant insights will send you hurrying back to old favorites and entice you to discover new ones. His ultimate faith in the restorative power of literature resonates on every page of this infinitely rewarding and important book.
How To Read and Why 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书