哈羅德·布魯姆(1930— ),當代美國著名文學教授、“耶魯學派”批評傢、文學理論傢。曾執教於耶魯大學、紐約大學和哈佛大學等知名高校。主要研究領域包括詩歌批評、理論批評和宗教批評三大方麵,代錶作有《影響的焦慮》(1973)、《誤讀之圖》(1975)、《西方正典》(1994)、《莎士比亞:人的發明》(1998)等,以其獨特的理論建構和批評實踐被譽為“西方傳統中最有天賦、最有原創性和最有煽動性的一位文學批評傢”。
"Information is endlessly available to us; where shall wisdom be found?" is the crucial question with which renowned literary critic Harold Bloom commences this impassioned book on the pleasures and benefits of reading well. For more than forty years, Bloom has transformed college students into lifelong readers with his unrivaled love for literature. Now, at a time when faster and easier electronic media threaten to eclipse the practice of reading, Bloom draws on his experience as critic, teacher, and prolific reader to plumb the great books for their sustaining wisdom.
Shedding all polemic, Bloom addresses the solitary reader, who, he urges, should read for the purest of all reasons: to discover and augment the self. Always dazzling in his ability to draw connections between texts across continents and centuries, Bloom instructs readers in how to immerse themselves in the different literary forms.
Probing discussions of the works of beloved writers such as William Shakespeare, Ernest Hemingway, Jane Austen, Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Charles Dickens, and William Faulkner highlight the varied challenges and delights found in short stories, poems, novels, and plays. Bloom not only provides illuminating guidance on how to read a text but also illustrates what such reading can bring -- aesthetic pleasure, increased individuality and selfknowledge, and the lifetime companionship of the most engaging and complex literary characters.
Bloom's engaging prose and brilliant insights will send you hurrying back to old favorites and entice you to discover new ones. His ultimate faith in the restorative power of literature resonates on every page of this infinitely rewarding and important book.
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特裏·伊格爾頓的書評(http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2000/aug/20/classics)如此銳利,逼得我一再重讀布魯姆《如何讀,為什麼讀》的序言,以確認該書的價值。 幾天前,我正打算寫一篇關於讀書的日誌,順手拿起《如何讀,為什麼讀》,立刻被其電光火石般的序言擊中。我感覺...
評分 評分 評分讀萬捲書,走萬裏路隻有在科技不發達的閉塞年代纔有可能成立:能讀萬捲書,是因為竹簡上刻不瞭幾個字,萬捲也沒有多少內容。 而現在動輒幾十數百萬字的齣版物,不要說讀萬捲,以一月精讀兩本書的速度,一年也僅能讀24本,一生不過韆餘本。 不過好在當你讀的越多,越知道哪些...
圖書標籤: HaroldBloom 文學理論 美國 文學 文學批評 Literature 草草翻過 英文
"first find Shakespeare, and let him find you. "讀書就是同自我對話。Bloom的分析方式,對傳統看得很重,沒有很大的閱讀量,根本串不起來的。選的作傢作品都很好,可惜太多,如果一個部分隻選一個作傢,仔細分析,是不是對讀者幫助更大一點,一兩頁的分析,怕是隻能記個名字。
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