The Worst Journey in the World recounts Robert Falcon Scott's ill-fated expedition to the South Pole. Apsley Cherry-Garrard, the youngest member of Scott's team and one of three men to make and survive the notorious Winter Journey, draws on his firsthand experiences as well as the diaries of his compatriots to create a stirring and detailed account of Scott's legendary expedition. Cherry himself would be among the search party that discovered the corpses of Scott and his men, who had long since perished from starvation and brutal cold. It is through Cherry's insightful narrative and keen descriptions that Scott and the other members of the expedition are fully memorialized.
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“親愛的,這裏隻有零下70多華氏度,極其寒冷。我幾乎無法寫字。除瞭避寒的帳篷,我們一無所有……你知道我很愛你,但是現在最糟糕的是我無法再看見你——這不可避免,我隻能麵對”。 “關於這次遠徵的一切,我能告訴你什麼呢?它比舒舒服服地坐在傢裏不知要好多少!” “如...
評分…………………………………… 這無疑是一本沉重的紀實小說。斷斷續續看瞭一個月纔看完,一方麵書的內容翔實,描述細緻,篇幅較長,另一方麵確實在體會作者受到的無盡磨難,痛苦,黑暗,絕望的同時,無法做到加快閱讀速度,因為每每因為同情或者心痛而不忍卒讀。探險者們發揮...
評分這是一本值得重版重讀的書。 先說說為何建議齣版社重版。 首先是開本太小,雖然隻有44萬字,卻有近600頁,顯得過於厚重;且字號太小。書的內容原本就很沉重,小字小開本,讀起來就更不舒服。 其次,幾位譯者水平參差不齊;雖然總體上比想象得要好,但還是希望其中一,二位譯者...
評分幾乎每段都有錯。把米開朗基羅當成一個普通船員而翻譯成“邁剋爾安傑洛”什麼的,也是醉瞭。 下麵隨手摘的一段,譯者直接把地名當成瞭故事主角。奧茨是布爾(boer)戰爭的戰爭英雄,而不是什麼莫名其妙的”韋恩伯格“。(荷蘭人於17世紀殖民南非,他們的後裔稱為布爾人。英國...
評分不要問是否值得——讀《世界上最糟糕的旅行》 如此 《世界上最糟糕的旅行》我讀得相當慢。慢的原因有很多,有主觀的也有客觀的,有我自身的也有書本身的;我自身的無需去說,我要說的是書本身的。雖然我讀書一慣很慢,但是我相信任何人讀此書都不會太快,除非他讀得很不...
圖書標籤: 英文待購 探險 文學 傳記-迴憶錄 non-fiction english 2016
strong in will to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
評分(1922) R4 music by Will Gregory of Goldfrapp, orchestrated by Ian Gardiner, conducted by Grant Llewellyn//we all lost. 英國人的精神
評分strong in will to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
評分strong in will to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
評分strong in will to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.
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