Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
I remembered that when I first read this novel, I got shocked by the dirty language and the twisted plots and I just can't believe that there could be such a couple antagonizing each other like that and having an so imperfect marriage, but that's the author...
评分中秋节天上掉月饼的事情没有遇到。但是天上掉下来两张话剧票。 下午上课,老师拿出两张戏票,说是《谁怕弗吉利亚#伍尔夫》(Who is Afraid of Virginia Woolfe),就是今晚7:30, 他自己是去不成了,票有谁要?我是想要,但怕时间赶不及,因戏开演时间是7:30, 我们下课是6:50左...
评分中秋节天上掉月饼的事情没有遇到。但是天上掉下来两张话剧票。 下午上课,老师拿出两张戏票,说是《谁怕弗吉利亚#伍尔夫》(Who is Afraid of Virginia Woolfe),就是今晚7:30, 他自己是去不成了,票有谁要?我是想要,但怕时间赶不及,因戏开演时间是7:30, 我们下课是6:50左...
评分第一遍看的时候先看了前两幕,其实感受是有点抓狂的。但是后来知道了这个剧本写作的时间,也渐渐能理解这部作品中一些有某些设定的理由。 Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?写于美国冷战时期,而冷战的特点之一就是没有硝烟的战争。这个过程弥漫着一种令人紧张的气氛,生怕下一...
评分I remembered that when I first read this novel, I got shocked by the dirty language and the twisted plots and I just can't believe that there could be such a couple antagonizing each other like that and having an so imperfect marriage, but that's the author...
图书标签: 戏剧 美国 Edward_Albee 外国文学 美国戏剧 荒诞派 婚姻 英文原版
When Woolf debuted in 1961, audiences and critics alike could not get enough of Edward Albee's masterful play. A dark comedy, it portrays husband and wife George and Martha in a searing night of dangerous fun and games. By the evening's end, a stunning revelation provides a climax that has shocked audiences for years. With the play's razor-sharp dialogue and the stripping away of social pretense, Newsweek keenly foresaw Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? as "a brilliantly original work of art-an excoriating theatrical experience, surging with shocks of recognition and dramatic fire that will be igniting Broadway for some time to come."
Virginia Woolf港过,雌雄同体才是伟大的灵魂~
评分9 You bring out the best in me. 世上最深的恨意无非在朝夕相处的两人之间,一边是黑夜里爆炸开的雷声,一边是掩住的耳朵。爱恨至极,就化成一个孩子,我用他嘲笑你懦弱,你用他讽刺我疯魔。G妙语连珠不假,但最好的章节都出自M的独白。作者必然洞悉了婚姻,这种歇斯底里往前倒退几步,温和收敛一点,就是我见。也想起许多其它绝望的人际关系体验,真心仇恨时,就是连月亮都可以为之争吵的。在夜里,谁不被未竟之事久久折磨而嘶吼辗转着。第二层指涉:对混乱无序现实的神话历史化(显微镜,染色体,理性化语言建构抽象/话语权争夺,truth and illusion)终将徒劳失败;贯穿始终的酒饮,如狄奥尼索斯挺身争斗阿波罗;大写必然性与“西方文明”叙述突然出场,叫我想起昆德拉,双重嵌套荒谬。
评分大名鼎鼎的New Modern Classic. 说实话,看到中间和结尾总是似懂非懂。看了别人的评论才知道是两个人的幻想游戏。但是还是不懂。说说写作手法上的吧,我发现里面有大量的“废话”,但是这些“废话”的作用就是,真真实实地控制了节奏。以前从来没想过废话也好、高潮也罢都是节奏的一部分。这一点比较启发。 我想,比起幻想游戏,里面似乎还有其他的隐喻。
评分Do you see anything beyond the shackles of darkness, when you look forth into the future? | 2015.1.12, z.in/AIIS
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书