Paris France 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
图书标签: 法国 随笔 散文/杂文/回忆录 战争 当代文学 外国文学 Paris 2016
The American writer Gertrude Stein (1874-1946), known for her innovative literary style, settled in Paris in 1903, where she supported the work of a number of artists and writers. Paris France (1940) is a witty, anecdotal account of Stein's lifelong love affair with France. Written in the same fresh narrative style that made The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas a bestseller, it unites Stein's childhood memories of Paris with her observations about French culture-everything from cooking to the character of men, women, and animals. She also discusses the art of painting and relates amusing stories of life among some of her famous friends.
Interesting style, but I like Hemmingway better, much more concise and precise, and a lot more humorous. Although some sentences are like little gems.
评分Gertrude's run-on sentences drove me nuts
评分Gertrude's run-on sentences drove me nuts
评分Interesting style, but I like Hemmingway better, much more concise and precise, and a lot more humorous. Although some sentences are like little gems.
评分20世界初的巴黎是两个女人的天下,一个是经营着莎士比亚书店为搜罗和出版名作发掘并耗尽心血支持新人的塞尔维亚毕奇,另一个就是这个坐在自家客厅笑迎八方来客的格鲁斯泰因(怪怪的)。与其说这本随笔是写的,不如说是口述的,打字员还特马虎的那种。写作风格已经超出了我对free style的认知,算是有一搭没一搭的虾扯蛋吧。。。不难想象在每个聚会中她都会是那个众星环绕的核心人物,随便抖一个有关某某名人的笑料都能引发全场的高潮,但单就写作来说,只是觉得如果不知道这个人和她那个空前绝后的时代背景,这一篇篇关于巴黎的猫儿狗儿的大呼小叫还真是让读者满脸黑人问号。枪林弹雨般的动词连用,故意而为的语法错误和想到哪儿说到哪儿的思路,活脱脱一个被宠坏了的巴黎女人。还有,既然是艺术家之友,为什么封面如此丑 ?扣分扣分!
Paris France 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书