On October 25, 1946, in a crowded room in Cambridge, England, the great twentieth-century philosophers Ludwig Wittgenstein and Karl Popper came face to face for the first and only time. The meeting -- which lasted ten minutes -- did not go well. Their loud and aggressive confrontation became the stuff of instant legend, but precisely what happened during that brief confrontation remained for decades the subject of intense disagreement. An engaging mix of philosophy, history, biography, and literary detection, Wittgenstein's Poker explores, through the Popper/Wittgenstein confrontation, the history of philosophy in the twentieth century. It evokes the tumult of fin-de-siécle Vienna, Wittgentein's and Popper's birthplace; the tragedy of the Nazi takeover of Austria; and postwar Cambridge University, with its eccentric set of philosophy dons, including Bertrand Russell. At the center of the story stand the two giants of philosophy themselves -- proud, irascible, larger than life -- and spoiling for a fight.
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其實純粹是衝著副標題上赫然寫著的“兩個大哲學傢十分鍾爭吵的故事”去看的,而書中輕描淡寫的過瞭。 作者更傾嚮於按曆史角度寫一部客觀公正的八卦,正因為如此,此書變成瞭一部記錄瞭一整個時代的史書和啓濛型書籍:近代科學史,維也納小組,劍橋,反猶,世界大戰,文明中心...
評分Great book. I first saw comments on Popper's philosophical ideas and their significant impact on modern politics and business world in the bestseller "The Black Swan". Then I found this book, very well recommended, about an epic debate between two of the gr...
評分維特根斯坦的撥火棍 這本書翻譯得很爛,一些句子明顯不通順,以至於讓人迴憶起閱讀現代詩歌的經驗。 故事是這樣的,1946年10月25日,波普(估計喜歡科學哲學的星星同學大概比較熟悉他)訪問劍橋,與維特根斯坦在學術討論會上遭遇。 對維特根斯坦而言,...
評分 評分無意間看到瞭這本書,也在同時意識到自己很久很久沒有精心去看一本書,甚至精心做一些事瞭。最想的就是能安安寜寜的有些簡單的快瞭,做些簡單的事,看點自己喜歡的東西...真的是好久好久沒有瞭。 維特根斯坦,嗬嗬,看到就興奮瞭。曆史,哲學,傳記...看著就來勁瞭,不管如...
圖書標籤: 哲學 WITTGENSTEIN Philosophy 維特根斯坦 popper face-to-face PattiSmith (English)
我想我大概永遠不會去把這本書讀完瞭 :)
評分Worthwhile entertainment
評分Worthwhile entertainment
評分我想我大概永遠不會去把這本書讀完瞭 :)
評分egregiously mean-spirited (towards popper)
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