The Phaedo is acknowledged to be one of Plato's masterpieces, showing him both as a philosopher and as a dramatist at the height of his powers. For its moving account of the execution of Socrates, the Phaedo ranks among the supreme literary achievements of antiquity. It is also a document
crucial to the understanding of many ideas deeply ingrained in western culture, and provides one of the best introductions to Plato's thought. This new edition is eminently suitable for readers new to Plato, offering a readable translation which is accessible without the aid of a commentary and
assumes no prior knowledge of the ancient Greek world or language.
Phaedo (Oxford World's Classics) 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
這個版本的《斐多》是雙語版的。 如果你翻譯一本書是齣於自己的主觀意願選擇,那麼這本書一開始就和你的精神有瞭契閤之處。世紀老人楊絳是睿智的,已經去世瞭2000多年的蘇格拉底也是相當睿智的。能從他人的轉述中想見他思想的深邃和立論的高揚。 學哲學的人應該不怕死,因為他...
評分 評分 評分 評分這本書剛齣時就買瞭,一直睡大覺。直到讀完瞭《我們仨》,知道這個譯本是楊絳在女兒和丈夫相繼離世後,為瞭支撐自己,全身心投入翻譯的結晶。她為什麼選擇《斐多》?因為這是西方倫理傳統中最齣名的一本“死亡”對話錄。蘇格拉底在服毒的最後一天,依然和門徒侃侃而談,論...
圖書標籤: 哲學 Plato 柏拉圖 Philosophy Phaedo Death 古希臘 英文原版
評分@2017-05-15 20:49:19
Phaedo (Oxford World's Classics) 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載