西蒙·温切斯特(Simon Winchester)
The Professor and the Madman 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
文/吴情 各种工具书充斥市场的现今,在学习英语时,若有不很理解的单词,我们往往会借助《牛津英语词典》(缩印本)、《牛津高阶英语词典》、《英汉双解词典》等等,殊不知,词典工具书,我们视之为司空见惯的存在,其真正的历史不过数百年。编纂出一本英语词典,这一...
评分前两天,我在看钟芳玲的《书天堂》,注意到她提到《牛津英语词典》时曾一笔带过,名为《教授与疯子》的书。堂堂牛津大词典主编,为什么会和一个疯子之间交往20年,而一个疯子又如何为这本历史上最宏伟的英语词典做出卓绝的贡献呢? 过了两天不到,我在图书馆里凑...
评分无机客 时下很少有书能带给我如此强烈的触动,但《教授与疯子》做到了。这本书由百花文艺出版社出版,英文原书出版于1998年,是作者Simon Winchester最优秀的一部作品,其中文版也是一部翻译很用心的作品。然而,该书初版只印刷了4000册,并且我是在一家旧书店里找到它的,可...
评分知识的癫狂故事 关于《教授与疯子》 这个小说的开场是一场凶杀案。在伦敦泰晤士河边上贫民窟的一条街道上,凌晨两点,一个上早班的工人被一个来历不明的男子枪杀了。这个维多利亚时代寒冷街头发生的恐怖一幕,有着侦探小说的所有要素,但此后故事的河道陡然掉...
图书标签: OED 历史 英文原版 小说 Nonfiction 英文 british English
The Professor and the Madman, masterfully researched and eloquently written, is an extraordinary tale of madness, genius, and the incredible obsessions of two remarkable men that led to the making of the Oxford English Dictionary--and literary history. The compilation of the OED, begun in 1857, was one of the most ambitious projects ever undertaken. As definitions were collected, the overseeing committee, led by Professor James Murray, discovered that one man, Dr. W C. Minor, had submitted more than ten thousand. When the committee insisted on honoring him, a shocking truth came to light: Dr. Minor, an American Civil War veteran, was also an inmate at an asylum for the criminally insane.</P>
Intriguing anecdotes of the intellectual who contributed immensely to the OED,yet was confined in the Bethlem,where he still had his life,though this former US army surgeon remains in delusions. Despite contents,the language is largely British and thus harsh to me,but above all it's surprisingly no-academic given that the book is intellectual.
评分好故事。没人看的词典致谢名单中那么简单的一个名字背后是这么有厚度的故事,涉及的每个人物又分别都有自己的故事,可以展开的角度太多,作者尽量做好了平衡,最后Coda的意外致敬甚至有点感动。Dementia+PTSD人物果然是绕不过的共感最强,在飞机上一口气看完情绪波动得像个恐怖分子。虽然全程画面感极强,但 No film adaptation could do justice to the story and writing of this book.
评分2017-010 今年第一本五星,意外地好看,意外地动人,也意外地酸楚。数十年如一日默默耕耘的词典编者,可真是伟大啊。
评分Friendship between two intellectuals more or less leveled with Marx and Engeles. James Murray actually collaborated with a sociopath suffering from post trauma stress on OED! Is it a true story!
The Professor and the Madman 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书