André Gide was born in Paris in 1869 and died there in 1951. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1947. His works include The Immoralist, The Counterfeiters, Strait is the Gate, the autobiography If It Die . . . , and three volumes of Journals. He also wrote plays, essays, short stories, and books of travel.
A young artist pursues a search for knowledge through the treatment of homosexuality and the collapse of morality in middle class France.
The Counterfeiters 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載 《深圳晚報》 董強教授是法語文學專傢,談起紀德,他首先提到瞭紀德的復雜性。有評價說,紀德是上世紀最復雜、最具爭議、最令人費解的作傢之一。董強認為,歸根到底,紀德的復雜性在於他的一生都在“人”的問題與...
評分 評分原文地址:[] 想分享一種我一直覺得好玩兒的藝術錶現手法,Mise en abyme,紋心結構,不知道你會不會也覺得有趣。 1893年,法國作傢安德烈·紀德在他的日記中寫道,他非常希望,能在一部藝術作品中找到「這部作品本身」。他...
評分 評分一、讀外國小說先搞清人物關係 俄理維/文桑/喬治——菠莉納(母親) 阿曼/亞力山大/蕾雪/蘿拉/莎拉——浮颱爾—雅善斯一傢(開辦寄宿學校,主要由雅善斯老人主持) 裴奈爾(兒子)——普羅費當第(法官) 波利(孫子)——拉貝魯斯(寄宿學校的鋼琴教師) 俄理維與裴奈爾、俄...
圖書標籤: 小說 w. French 1001
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