Dispatches from the Edge 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书

Dispatches from the Edge


Dispatches from the Edge 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介

安德森·库珀,Anderson Cooper


他对世界充满探索热情与求知欲望,在报道中渗透进深厚的内心情感,举世瞩目的成功改变了世界观众看新闻的 方式。处女作《边缘信使》高居《纽约时报》畅销榜冠军。

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Dispatches from the Edge 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书

Dispatches from the Edge 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书

Dispatches from the Edge 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书

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Dispatches from the Edge 电子书 读后感


这本书也是我看了ANDERSON COOPER的PODCAST之后, 才找来看的。 能够在米国的新闻界里撑起一面旗帜, 绝对, 绝对, 在事业上讲, 算作不俗了。 在自信, 睿智, 快速反应的CNN的当红主播的背后,是一个怎样的AC呢? 自传中有一个大致的介绍。...  




身为一名新闻学专业的学生,在看这本书之前,其实抱着一种有些功利的想法,想要学习一些报道技巧或者是新闻稿件采写方式。然而真正阅读之后,我才体会到自己想法的幼稚与天真,这是一本与新闻有关的回忆录,也是在提醒人类共同铭记,这个世界中远离自己曾经发生过的苦难。 我们...  


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作者:Anderson Cooper
价格:GBP 14.99

图书标签: AndersonCooper  传记  美国  memoir  人生  war  原版  pain   

Dispatches from the Edge 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述

Few people have witnessed more scenes of chaos and conflict around the world than Anderson Cooper, whose groundbreaking coverage on CNN has changed the way we watch the news. In this gripping, candid, and remarkably powerful memoir, he offers an unstinting, up-close view of the most harrowing crises of our time, and the profound impact they have had on his life. </p>

After growing up on Manhattan's Upper East Side, Cooper felt a magnetic pull toward the unknown, an attraction to the far corners of the earth. If he could keep moving, and keep exploring, he felt he could stay one step ahead of his past, including the fame surrounding his mother, Gloria Vanderbilt, and the tragic early deaths of his father and older brother. As a reporter, the frenetic pace of filing dispatches from war-torn countries, and the danger that came with it, helped him avoid having to look too closely at the pain and loss that was right in front of him. </p>

But recently, during the course of one extraordinary, tumultuous year, it became impossible for him to continue to separate his work from his life, his family's troubled history from the suffering people he met all over the world. From the tsunami in Sri Lanka to the war in Iraq to the starvation in Niger and ultimately to Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans and Mississippi, Cooper gives us a firsthand glimpse of the devastation that takes place, both physically and emotionally, when the normal order of things is violently ruptured on such a massive scale. Cooper had been in his share of life-threatening situations before -- ducking fire on the streets of war-torn Sarejevo, traveling on his own to famine-stricken Somalia, witnessing firsthand the genocide in Rwanda -- but he had never seen human misery quite like this. Writing with vivid memories of his childhood and early career as a roving correspondent, Cooper reveals for the first time how deeply affected he has been by the wars, disasters, and tragedies he has witnessed, and why he continues to be drawn to some of the most perilous places on earth. </p>

Striking, heartfelt, and utterly engrossing, Dispatches from the Edge is an unforgettable memoir that takes us behind the scenes of the cataclysmic events of our age and allows us to see them through the eyes of one of America's most trusted, fearless, and pioneering reporters. </p>

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Dispatches from the Edge 2025 pdf epub mobi 用户评价


至此,银狐叔成了我在贵圈奋斗的终极男神。出柜时霸气的一句“the fact is I AM GAY,always have been,always will be.”,写灾难性故事,同时在灾难中反思自己的人生。尽管在主持访谈节目中晓得很灿烂很开心,其实内里的孤独也只有他自个懂。ps.好像银狐叔在节目里有说过他的牛仔裤半年都不洗,是在卖萌么。


语言意识流,感性起来满篇的意象。现场记者生涯里他自己的情感,穿插着哥自杀、爸妈、童年往事。从斯里兰卡、尼日尔等落后战乱国家,到卡特里娜后的美国,截然不同的政府和经济实力,几乎相同的灾后惨状,政府无作为、组织无序,无意义地生灵涂炭。卡特里娜篇没「自然面前人无力」鸡汤。都是波澜不惊的愤怒。他为媒体和公众的三秒注意力而愤慨,执拗地问责、质疑政府、拷问官员。就是自始至终走不出出身。既是制度下的既得利益者,也看不起一些同行者的吃相,但会说什么吗,nope. 只会唱红歌。got his own rug to sweep things under. 如果真是民工出身,倒是可以算很有想法。但以他已经站到和可以站的高度,着实太普通太无趣太不值得额外夸赞。


I've always admired his intelligence. After reading this book, I realized that he was so much more than a charming news anchor, his bravery and kindness really touched my heart. I salute you, Anderson Cooper.




语言意识流,感性起来满篇的意象。现场记者生涯里他自己的情感,穿插着哥自杀、爸妈、童年往事。从斯里兰卡、尼日尔等落后战乱国家,到卡特里娜后的美国,截然不同的政府和经济实力,几乎相同的灾后惨状,政府无作为、组织无序,无意义地生灵涂炭。卡特里娜篇没「自然面前人无力」鸡汤。都是波澜不惊的愤怒。他为媒体和公众的三秒注意力而愤慨,执拗地问责、质疑政府、拷问官员。就是自始至终走不出出身。既是制度下的既得利益者,也看不起一些同行者的吃相,但会说什么吗,nope. 只会唱红歌。got his own rug to sweep things under. 如果真是民工出身,倒是可以算很有想法。但以他已经站到和可以站的高度,着实太普通太无趣太不值得额外夸赞。

Dispatches from the Edge 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书





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