This is the tale of Miss Amelia, gaunt and lonely owner of a small-town store; and how she squandered her love on Cousin Lymon, the little strutting hunchback who turned the store into a cafe; and how her rejected husband, the meanest man in town, came back and stole the hunchback's heart; and, of the gargantuan fight that followed. This is a miniature epic with the melancholy atmosphere of a ballad.
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從福剋納到麥卡勒斯,從《真探》到《三塊廣告牌》,南方從未消逝。 最近,由馬丁·麥剋唐納一手編導的劇情片《三塊廣告牌》在第90屆奧斯卡金像奬評選中惜敗於吉爾莫·德爾·托羅的《水形物語》,七項提名在手,卻隻有弗蘭西斯·麥剋多濛德和山姆·洛剋威爾斬獲最佳女主與男配,...
評分麥卡勒斯的那副死相,拿著根煙托著個腮,空洞又言之有物地望著你,又好像越過你望著遠方,永遠留在她寫的書的封麵上。長著這樣一副麵孔的女人實在不能說嫵媚,她的眼睛充滿絕望和無可救藥的拒絕。 看完《傷心咖啡館》,我心中的愛密利亞小姐就跟作者長成一個模樣瞭,她很配一...
評分沒有人能為愛情立法,不能用命令或誘騙來讓它 為你效勞,愛是屬於它自己的,對懇求充耳不聞, 也不受暴力的動搖。愛不是你能討價還價的東西。 ——珍妮特•溫特森《寫在身體上》 孤獨是寜靜的、豐盈的、變化的、神秘的。如果把孤獨鑄成一種形式,那就等於死亡。 麥卡勒斯在《...
評分不過,親愛的孩子,我們本來就是孤身一人、形影相吊、彼此隔離的。社會是如此恥笑我們,我們不能說齣,更不能錶現齣我們的柔情。死亡要比生命強大,它就像風一樣穿過黑暗,毫無快樂地大笑,嘲諷地模仿著我們的哭喊。而孤獨,則像垃圾一樣將我們塞滿…… ——卡波特(T...
評分情,像是從恨的罅隙中偶然落下的,即便橫亙如山,也絲絲縷縷纏繞著恨的朝靄夕嵐; 意,像是從孤寂的頑石裏化齣來的,縱然脈脈如水,也隻會環繞孤寂的堅硬去泛漣漪。 這便是卡森•麥卡勒斯的寫作風格。 密利亞小姐心裏是有恨的,這份恨不知其所起,但卻是...
圖書標籤: McCullers american 隨便看看 美國 南方 love literature fiction
I literally read this book, and every time I read Carson I just love her more. It is an interesting journey reading Carson. At the beginning I thought Miss Amelia was weird and impossible, but when the story went on I began to understand her, and in the end I could even see her in myself! I know, her original words made me know her better!
評分sad love,and the pain of the hearts
評分This book is going with me wherever I go.
評分The lover craves any possible relation with the loved, even if this experience can cause him only pain. 自私透瞭自私透瞭TAT!
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