Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
1、转变思维方式,彻底从女孩变成女人,停止吐舌头歪脑袋,小女孩卖萌弄乖不适合职场女性。口语表达干净利落。 2、别说太多对不起,别用太多谦辞。不要为无关紧要的事道歉。 3、能辨认出贬低和轻视的话,告诉对方我不喜欢。 4、先满足自己,不能满足对方的,不需要感到内疚。 5...
评分职场励志的书籍读过很多,不过如此对应适合自己的书籍却为数不多。但是,在这为数不多的书籍中,我觉得《绽放:女性职场能量第一书》还是一本不错的职场指导用书,尤其对于女性而言。 纵观职场,有男有女,有老有少。尽管现在这个年代女性已经可以有机会在职场上与男人平起平...
评分刚看到有人推荐这本书,英文书名应该是《Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office 》,看了《傲骨贤妻》,记得有这样一个情节,Diane和Will为了得到更多的选票挤走另一个合伙人,把一个快入土的老头请回了公司,这老头提的条件就是想要 the corner office,所以书名的意思应该...
评分图书标签: 职场 职场人际关系 女性 职场女性 女人 英文原版 自我成长 人际关系
n the bestselling tradition of Play Like a Man, Win Like a Woman comes the breakthrough book that teaches women how to stop sabotaging their careers-and start getting ahead. For every professional woman who wants to get ahead-but feels she is at an impasse-NICE GIRLSDON'T GETTHECORNER OFFICE comes to the rescue. When overlooked for that special assignment or promotion, many women point the finger outwardly, looking for someone else to blame. Now, Lois P. Frankel presents a different view in her empowering career primer that helps women identify ingrained habits they learned as girls that may be holding them back, such as couching statements in a question, smiling inappropriately, tilting the head while speaking, and others. Only by overcoming these self-defeating behaviors will the 'nice girl' learn to leverage her power in the workplace-and claim the corner office she so richly deserves.
评分good to know
评分作者肯定有一定年纪了,现在谁还把怯怯懦懦当成天然标准状态= = 大部分内容跟没说一样。部分男女皆受用。一言概之 做个好人,but don't play angel. Be a careerist.
评分作者肯定有一定年纪了,现在谁还把怯怯懦懦当成天然标准状态= = 大部分内容跟没说一样。部分男女皆受用。一言概之 做个好人,but don't play angel. Be a careerist.
评分Finally finished reading today- took me the whole Jan!!Practical tips, although it tends to repeat every now and then.
Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书