納撒尼爾•菲爾布裏剋 | Nathaniel Philbrick
The ordeal of the whaleship Essex was an event as mythic in the nineteenth century as the sinking of the Titanic was in the twentieth. In 1819, the Essex left Nantucket for the South Pacific with twenty crew members aboard. In the middle of the South Pacific the ship was rammed and sunk by an angry sperm whale. The crew drifted for more than ninety days in three tiny whaleboats, succumbing to weather, hunger, disease, and ultimately turning to drastic measures in the fight for survival. Nathaniel Philbrick uses little-known documents-including a long-lost account written by the ship's cabin boy-and penetrating details about whaling and the Nantucket community to reveal the chilling events surrounding this epic maritime disaster. An intense and mesmerizing read, In the Heart of the Sea is a monumental work of history forever placing the Essex tragedy in the American historical canon.
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籍籍無名的日子就是毫無顧忌的進行冒險的絕佳機會。培養自己的擁簇。觀眾能成為你的秘密武器。很多公司依靠大筆砸錢來接近群眾。每一次他們想要宣傳什麼,就會研究預算,弄齣一大堆錢來,然後投放廣告。但是這種方式既費錢、又不靠譜。 “你浪費瞭一半預算——你還不知道是哪一...
評分那一場驚心動魄的海難之後 文/米雪 人類在巨大的災難麵前是無能為力的。 汶川地震,印尼海嘯,日本核泄漏,他們除瞭帶給我們不可估量的損失以外,還有無盡的傷痛,那些在災難中失去親人和孩子的人們,一生中都無法抹去心底的傷痕。然而,有一些災難,它的開始...
評分通過講述捕鯨船“埃塞剋斯”號的海難經曆,看到瞭人類在極端環境下的不同選擇所帶來的不同後果。 很真實很震撼人心。很諷刺的是最初大船沉沒是受到瞭獵手們長期認為脾氣溫馴的獵物抹香鯨的攻擊。真是自作自受啊。而後經曆沉船的船員們由於一些關於野蠻島民同類相食的傳言,而捨...
評分籍籍無名的日子就是毫無顧忌的進行冒險的絕佳機會。培養自己的擁簇。觀眾能成為你的秘密武器。很多公司依靠大筆砸錢來接近群眾。每一次他們想要宣傳什麼,就會研究預算,弄齣一大堆錢來,然後投放廣告。但是這種方式既費錢、又不靠譜。 “你浪費瞭一半預算——你還不知道是哪一...
圖書標籤: 小說 災難 航海 《財富》推薦的75本書 外國文學 曆史 英文原版 FICTION
評分"They had all seen how the man-of-war hawks robbed the tropic birds of their food. As conditions deteriorated on the boats, one could only wonder who of these nine Nantucketers, six African Americans, and five white off-islanders would become the hawks and who would become the tropic birds." (p.147)
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