Sex and Character 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
魏宁格的确是个天才,这个没的说。 我认识的一些李克忠对此书不屑一顾,认为是反现代、反女权、甚至是反进步的,是融合着封建主义不平等思想的偏激之作。甚至用他的生平,譬如如此自杀是为何来从作者人生角度否定,甚至还搬出了作者幼年心灵伤害等等事例来试图证明这部书的偏...
评分 评分(上) 魏宁格的《性与性格》言辞十分激烈,充斥着一位23岁的年轻人想要靠一本书证明全世界都走慢了一步的尖锐(和还没等到它轰动一时就自杀了的决绝),虽然有些观点因时代和科学所限过于封闭,但这位严谨又疯狂的哲学家还是留下了许多值得深思的语句, 比如关于同性恋、女性...
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图书标签: 哲学 心理 随便看看 社会 生活 性别 心理学 女性主义
Otto Weininger's controversial book Sex and Character, first published in Vienna in 1903, is a prime example of the conflicting discourses central to its time: antisemitism, scientific racism and biologism, misogyny, the cult and crisis of masculinity, psychological introspection versus empiricism, German idealism, the women's movement and the idea of human emancipation, the quest for sexual liberation, and the debates about homosexuality. Combining rational reasoning with irrational outbursts, in the context of today's scholarship, Sex and Character speaks to issues of gender, race, cultural identity, the roots of Nazism, and the intellectual history of modernism and modern European culture. This new translation presents, for the first time, the entire text, including Weininger's extensive appendix with amplifications of the text and bibliographical references, in a reliable English translation, together with a substantial introduction that places the book in its cultural and historical context.
He’s a real talented writer.
评分必须承认,在它出版的那个年代,这样的平等观点的提出是非常超前的观念。但21世纪看来,这种以男性主导default setting的视角去探究女性解放是不会有任何实际价值的
评分He’s a real talented writer.
Sex and Character 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书