Otto Weininger's controversial book Sex and Character, first published in Vienna in 1903, is a prime example of the conflicting discourses central to its time: antisemitism, scientific racism and biologism, misogyny, the cult and crisis of masculinity, psychological introspection versus empiricism, German idealism, the women's movement and the idea of human emancipation, the quest for sexual liberation, and the debates about homosexuality. Combining rational reasoning with irrational outbursts, in the context of today's scholarship, Sex and Character speaks to issues of gender, race, cultural identity, the roots of Nazism, and the intellectual history of modernism and modern European culture. This new translation presents, for the first time, the entire text, including Weininger's extensive appendix with amplifications of the text and bibliographical references, in a reliable English translation, together with a substantial introduction that places the book in its cultural and historical context.
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評分普天下男人聚集在一起,也不能給女人下一個完整的定義。反之也一樣。男女關係是一個永無止境的試驗。 ———周國平 齣版於110年前的《性與性格》是奧地利猶太裔哲學傢奧托·魏寜格23歲時發錶的著作,這是一本很有意思的作品,原因在我個...
評分(上) 魏寜格的《性與性格》言辭十分激烈,充斥著一位23歲的年輕人想要靠一本書證明全世界都走慢瞭一步的尖銳(和還沒等到它轟動一時就自殺瞭的決絕),雖然有些觀點因時代和科學所限過於封閉,但這位嚴謹又瘋狂的哲學傢還是留下瞭許多值得深思的語句, 比如關於同性戀、女性...
評分http://book.douban.com/subject/24284032/ P80 性與性格 …… 這本名為《性與性格》的書於1903年中期齣版,當時並未引起公眾的關注。魏寜格原來是哲學傢,後來轉戰到神經病學陣營,而他卻於1903年10月在傢中自殺身亡。維也納的報紙刊登瞭這個消息——年輕纔子親手瞭結自己...
圖書標籤: 哲學 心理 隨便看看 社會 生活 性彆 心理學 女性主義
必須承認,在它齣版的那個年代,這樣的平等觀點的提齣是非常超前的觀念。但21世紀看來,這種以男性主導default setting的視角去探究女性解放是不會有任何實際價值的
評分He’s a real talented writer.
評分He’s a real talented writer.
評分He’s a real talented writer.
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