山姆·沃爾頓(1918-1992),沃爾瑪創始人。1945年從一傢“五毛店”開始進入零售業, 1985年成為美國首富;2001年,他創建的沃爾瑪帝國成為世界500強第一名,沃爾頓傢族的5人包攬“福布斯”財富排行榜第7至第11位,成為世界上最富有的傢族。
As Sam Walton himself said, this is "...a story about entrepreneurship, and risk, and hard work, and knowing where you want to go and being willing to do what it takes to get there. And it's a story about believing in your idea even when maybe some other folks don't, and about sticking to your guns." It's the story of how Walton parlayed a single dime store in a hardscrabble cotton town into Wal-Mart, the largest retailer in the world. The undisputed merchant king of the late twentieth century, he never lost the common touch. Here Walton tells his extraordinary story in his own inimitable words. Genuinely modest, but always sure of his ambitions and achievements, Walton shares his thinking in a candid, straight-from-the-shoulder style.
"Here is an extraordinary success story about a man whose empire was built not with smoke and mirrors, but with good old-fashioned elbow grease." (Detroit Free Press)
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山姆•沃爾頓的促銷之道:“就是賣,賣,賣。。。便宜賣,大傢賣,各種賣。。。” 雖然我現在很少看這種講宏觀講企業曆史的書,畢竟短短的200多頁隻能提供一個大的方嚮和策略。我們很多時候忘瞭企業的發展是靠每一天,每一名員工的努力。 山姆所領導的的核心之道就是一個字...
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