譯者簡介:金立群,現任中國國際金融公司董事長,曾任財務部副部長,中國投資公司監事長兼黨組副書記等;是迄 今為止中國第一個擔任亞行副行長的副部級高官;著有《新國際經濟體製與中國》《經濟發展:理論與實踐》,編著《英漢法漢財務金融詞典》。
——Entertainment Weekly
——The New York Times
Editorial Reviews
From Publishers Weekly
J. P. Morgan Sr.'s close relationship with Teddy Roosevelt; his son Jack Morgan's clientele of governments, finance ministers and central banks; and the Morgan realm's split under New Deal legislation are examined in detail in this National Book Award winner. "Packed with revelations, Chernow's mammoth history demystifies the inner workings of the secretive Morgan banking empire," PW said . Photos . Author tour.
Copyright 1991 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
From Library Journal
Chernow vividly portrays the influence that the Morgan banks have had on the history of the Western economy since the late 18th century. The epic story of the development of the American industrial experience is inextricably related to the history of the Morgan banks. Though this fascinating story is virtually the same as that told by Kathleen Bunk in Morgan Grenfell 1838-1988 ( LJ 12/89), Chernow adds color and personality with an emphasis on the 20th-century development of the bank. Working with recently discovered Morgan archives, he reveals institutional details long hidden by the protective secrecy of the family. This superb history will be an important book. BOMC, Fortune, and History Book Club featured alternates. --Joseph Barth, U.S. Military Acad. Lib., West Point, N.Y.
Copyright 1990 Reed Business Information, Inc. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Book Description
The winner of the National Book Award and now considered a classic, The House of Morgan is the most ambitious history ever written about an American banking dynasty. Acclaimed by The Wall Street Journal as "brilliantly researched and written," the book tells the rich, panoramic story of four generations of Morgans and the powerful, secretive firms they spawned. It is the definitive account of the rise of the modern financial world. A gripping history of banking and the booms and busts that shaped the world on both sides of the Atlantic, The House of Morgan traces the trajectory of the J. P. Morgan empire from its obscure beginnings in Victorian London to the crash of 1987. Ron Chernow paints a fascinating portrait of the private saga of the Morgans and the rarefied world of the American and British elite in which they moved. Based on extensive interviews and access to the family and business archives, The House of Morgan is an investigative masterpiece, a compelling account of a remarkable institution and the men who ran it, and an essential book for understanding the money and power behind the major historical events of the last 150 years.
Book Info
The most ambitious history ever written about an American banking dynasty. Tells the rich, panoramic story of four generations of Morgans and the powerful, secretive firms they spawned. A definitive account of the rise of the modern financial world. Softcover.
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1996年版 這迴國內最老的一個版本,基本上不對外發售,是當年摩根史坦利到人民大學開會時的贈書,一共隻印瞭3000本。現在舊書店可能還有,一些圖書館裏還有,但是基本買不到瞭。 2003年版 也是財政經濟齣版社的,但是這個版本和上一個版本一樣,都非常的少,而且那次也是摩根史...
評分曾經看過一本書,阿蘭•德波頓的《幸福的建築》,他說,那些經典的建築通常都是讓每一個看見過它的人——身臨其境,或者從照片、圖像中看到——有所共鳴,換言之,人們感受到的不僅僅是一座教堂、一棟彆墅,而是一份莊嚴肅穆、一份溫馨舒適的情懷、意境和氣氛。 讀書也是一樣...
評分《摩根財團》的英文書名叫做《House of Morgan》,“house”一詞頗有點雙關的意味。摩根財團的大多激動人心的時刻也正是在那個位於華爾街23號的房子裏發生的。這個帶有某種令人著迷的氣息的房子,幾經易主與改造,似乎是摩根財團幾個世紀跌宕風雲的最好見證。 切諾的這本書也...
評分想讀經濟類書籍,學習工商管理專業的同事推薦瞭《摩根財團》這本書,然並卵......對於我這個經濟門外漢加經濟史門外漢來說,這本摩根財團的傳記書無疑太難讀瞭。 本著讀書“不求甚解”的訓誡,我硬是把這本厚書啃下來瞭,很多時候感覺味同嚼蠟。這本書讀瞭有一個月,不學習經濟...
評分“一個人金融知識的廣度和深度,與其對羅斯柴爾德傢族吹的神乎其神的程度,基本上呈反比” 這句好不是白岩鬆,也不是魯迅說的,是我說的。 在金融領域,所謂的金融大鰐們呼風喚雨的本領,總是容易被不斷渲染和加強,以至於金融巨頭掌控世界的“陰謀論”一直流行,羅斯柴爾德傢...
圖書標籤: 金融 曆史 Finance 傳記 InvestmentBanking Morgan 傢族史 投資
非常詳細並且客觀的講瞭morgan 大通的曆史,讓我對economics and capital的運作有充分的瞭解。更多的是,這本書對當時的社會狀況有著深入的探討,包括英美關係等。
評分J. P. Morgan…Great!!! 霸氣的摩根…
評分Very well written. Could be a bit more technical
評分非常詳細並且客觀的講瞭morgan 大通的曆史,讓我對economics and capital的運作有充分的瞭解。更多的是,這本書對當時的社會狀況有著深入的探討,包括英美關係等。
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