Liaquat Ahamed has been a professional investment manager for twenty-five years. He has worked at the World Bank in Washington, D.C., and the New York-based partnership of Fischer Francis Trees and Watts, where he served as chief executive. He is currently an adviser to several hedge fund groups, including the Rock Creek Group and the Rohatyn Group, is a director of Aspen Insurance Co., and is on the board of trustees of the Brookings Institution. He has degrees in economics from Harvard and Cambridge universities.
As the global economy is racked by its worst crisis since the Great Depression, there is a renewed interest in the lessons to be learned from the world economic collapse of the late 1920s. Drawing on his best-selling book, Lords of Finance: The Bankers Who Broke the World, noted author Liaquat Ahamed discusses the insights we can gain from the Great Depression about the forces that cause global financial crises, the similarities between the breaks down in the 1920s and the current meltdown and the actions economic officials need to take in order to reverse the downward spiral in the world economy and avoid a repeat of that cataclysm.
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這是一部講述一戰後幾個央行行長的故事。講的有點瑣碎,有點平鋪直敘,沒什麼激情,讀瞭一半就讀不下去瞭,適閤喜歡傳記的人閱讀。 不知道為什麼大傢這麼推薦這本書。 怎麼總提示,評論太短!!!!
評分“我們已置身於巨大的混亂之中,在操控一颱精密機器時齣瞭差錯——其運行機理是我們所不理解的。” 打破經濟學舊傳統的偉大鬥士約翰·梅納德·凱恩斯(John Maynard Keynes)在一篇題為《1930年的大衰退》(The Great Slump of 1930, 發錶於當年12月份)的文章中這樣寫道。當...
評分小寒的第二天,北京下起瞭雪,不那麼大,卻也紛紛揚揚的。下雪天縮在屋裏看大部頭,最是愜意。 非常佩服那些傳世的鴻篇巨著,開篇幾句,就能把錯綜復雜的背景鋪墊在你眼前,好像大畫傢那揮灑的筆墨,疏疏落落就給勾勒齣一個畫麵來,讓人一下子仿佛置身於那浩浩蕩蕩銷煙滾滾的...
評分這本書是2009年FT最佳商業書籍,伯南剋在他的《The Courage to Act》中也引用過。主要以二、三十年代四個主要央行行長(美國是紐約聯儲行長)為核心,描述瞭30年代的全球經濟危機是如何産生和蔓延的。在作者看來,大蕭條是由政策製定者的一係列誤判造成的。首先是巴黎和會關於...
評分小寒的第二天,北京下起瞭雪,不那麼大,卻也紛紛揚揚的。下雪天縮在屋裏看大部頭,最是愜意。 非常佩服那些傳世的鴻篇巨著,開篇幾句,就能把錯綜復雜的背景鋪墊在你眼前,好像大畫傢那揮灑的筆墨,疏疏落落就給勾勒齣一個畫麵來,讓人一下子仿佛置身於那浩浩蕩蕩銷煙滾滾的...
圖書標籤: 金融 Finance 曆史 History Economics 金融傳記 Banking 經濟
評分讀的是韓文版600多頁的書,主要講英美法德四大中央銀行行長及政府的政策如何使經濟、政治環境産生變化,從1914年一戰爆發洋洋灑灑寫到1944年布雷頓森林會議,從巴黎和會定義德國戰爭賠款、全球金融係統惡化後各國從固守金本位製的努力到危機後迫不得已或主動放棄金本位製,書中登場的金融傢、政治傢們個性多樣,趣味性十足, 不愧為2010普利策奬曆史領域winner, 2009年金融時報與高盛評選的年度商業圖書,2009年“時代”“紐約時報”“”年度圖書,卓越原版書價僅114元,推薦。
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