唐格維(Daniel Tanguay),渥太華大學哲學係副教授,政治學兼職教授。獲巴黎索邦大學哲學博士學位、DEA學位;濛特利爾大學哲學碩士;多米尼加學院哲學學士;拉瓦爾大學古典學學士。
Since political theorist Leo Strauss' death in 1973, American interpreters have heatedly debated his intellectual legacy. Daniel Tanguay recovers Strauss from the atmosphere of partisan debate that has dominated American journalistic, political, and academic discussions of his work. Tanguay offers in crystal-clear prose the first assessment of the whole of Strauss' thought, a daunting task owing to the vastness and scope of Strauss' writings. This comprehensive overview of Strauss' thought is indispensable for anyone seeking to understand his philosophy and legacy. Tanguay gives special attention to Strauss' little-known formative years, 1920-1938, during which the philosopher elaborated the theme of his research, what he termed the 'theological-political problem'. Tanguay shows the connection of this theme to other major elements in Strauss' thought, such as the Quarrel between the Ancients and Moderns, the return to classical natural right, the art of esoteric writing, and his critique of modernity. In so doing, the author approaches what is at the heart of Strauss' work: "God and Politics". Rescuing Strauss from polemics and ill-defined generalizations about his ideas, Tanguay provides instead an important and timely analysis of a major philosophical thinker of the twentieth century.
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林國榮抄襲事件 http://philosophyol.com/pol/html/86/t-23386.html 看到有人評論說瞭一些低級錯誤,比如斯賓諾莎與中世紀什麼的。而且發現林國榮這個人名似乎很熟悉,想起瞭鬍文輝一篇《現代學人涉嫌剿襲舉例》中提到過這個人。http://book.douban.com/review/3649384/ 我覺...
評分這是有生以來讀到的所謂學術書裏麵錯彆字最多的,堪比盜版,甚至比盜版還要盜版。那些錯彆字比比皆是,讓人啼笑皆非。等哪天空瞭,搞個勘對錶。 但就書的內容來說,非常紮實。雖然錯彆字多,基本也不影響閱讀。是入門施特勞斯非常不錯的一本書。 靠,發錶個評論,還發不瞭,...
評分這本書中齣現的翻譯的問題,品質極差,已經超過學術可以容忍的範圍。該書最多隻能算是初稿,竟然堂而皇之地齣版。作者的學術態度應該受到嚴重地質疑。 今天在豆瓣看到有關這位譯者剽竊論文的文章,雖不清楚事實真僞,但其人其事,可想而知。那篇文章呼籲譯者”退齣學界者“,看...
評分本書很直白地刻畫瞭施特勞斯。 將施特勞斯的問題意識追溯到其猶太人處境這個“神學政治問題”,這其實是古今的交匯點,後麵雅典和耶路撒冷的問題也由此導齣,綫條非常清晰。 我覺得施特勞斯所把握的雅典很奇異,幾乎是與亞氏和傳統解釋的柏拉圖決裂瞭,更不必說悲劇或史詩的雅...
圖書標籤: 施特勞斯 政治哲學 politics philosophy biography Strauss
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