世界著名程序員,曾4次在國際c語言編程大賽(IOCCC)中摺桂。他是FreeBSD操作係統的核心開發人員之一,開發瞭大量開源軟件,包括所有BSD system上的sed編輯器、大受好評的建模引擎UMLGraph和C語言源碼分析與重構工具CScout.在英國理工學院獲得瞭軟件工程碩士和計算機科學博士學位之後,他目前任教於希臘雅典經濟管理大學,領導著一個歐盟資助的開源軟件質量協作研究項目。他是IEEE software雜誌的編委和專欄作傢,曾獲Usenix協會終生成就奬,也是網絡百科全書Wikipedia的一位活躍作者。齣本書外,他的《代碼閱讀》一書曾獲得2004年的Jolt生産效率大奬。
* Page 26: How can I avoid off-by-one errors? * Page 143: Are Trojan Horse attacks for real? * Page 158: Where should I look when my application can't handle its workload? * Page 256: How can I detect memory leaks? * Page 309: How do I target my application to international markets? * Page 394: How should I name my code's identifiers? * Page 441: How can I find and improve the code coverage of my tests? Diomidis Spinellis' first book, Code Reading, showed programmers how to understand and modify key functional properties of software. Code Quality focuses on non-functional properties, demonstrating how to meet such critical requirements as reliability, security, portability, and maintainability, as well as efficiency in time and space. Spinellis draws on hundreds of examples from open source projects--such as the Apache web and application servers, the BSD Unix systems, and the HSQLDB Java database--to illustrate concepts and techniques that every professional software developer will be able to appreciate and apply immediately. Complete files for the open source code illustrated in this book are available online at:
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圖書標籤: 編程 計算機 Programming 程序設計 Coding EECS 軟件工程 計算機技術
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