丹·西濛斯(1948~ ):美國最天纔橫溢的小說傢,寫遍奇幻、科幻、恐怖、推理、驚悚、曆史、主流文學,任何類型,隻要他一齣手,必定叫好又叫座,捧迴無數大奬,是名副其實的“跨界之王”。
The magnificent conclusion to one of the greatest science fiction sagas of our time The time of reckoning has arrived. As a final genocidal Crusade threatens to enslave humanity forever, a new messiah has come of age. She is Aenea and she has undergone a strange apprenticeship to those known as the Others. Now her protector, Raul Endymion, one-time shepherd and convicted murderer, must help her deliver her startling message to her growing army of disciples. But first they must embark on a final spectacular mission to discover the underlying meaning of the universe itself. They have been followed on their journey by the mysterious Shrike--monster, angel, killing machine--who is about to reveal the long-held secret of its origin and purpose. And on the planet of Hyperion, where the story first began, the final revelation will be delivered--an apocalyptic message that unlocks the secrets of existence and the fate of humankind in the galaxy.
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前些日子看完瞭這套,號稱與《銀河帝國》並稱為科幻小說上不可逾越的高峰的《海伯利安》四部麯。第一本《海伯利安》確實是非常不錯,6個伯勞朝聖者的故事來鋪開海伯利安的宇宙觀,而且有幾個故事都帶有對人性的哲學探討,讓人沉思。 然並卵,接下來的三本,一本比一本厚,一本...
評分 評分真是多年沒被一本書虐成這樣,把多年不開電腦寫東西的我給炸齣來瞭。如果說海伯利安是一首蕩氣迴腸的長詩,那麼安迪密恩就是一齣拙劣的愛情冒險。 這tm男主角還是史上最弱雞最沒特色的一個主人公(如果說射不齣也算一種特色的話)。連官方都自帶吐槽說勞爾算tm是個保鏢?每次不...
評分圖書標籤: 科幻 海伯利安 丹·西濛斯 小說 Hyperion DanSimons 太空歌劇 史詩
書評裏有一句很到位:對讀者的「suspension of disbelief」要求過高,通俗地說就是「愛是第五種力,滿足平方反比律」什麼的太雷瞭。不考慮這個,是個想象瑰麗的好故事
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