丹·西濛斯(1948~ ):美國最天纔橫溢的小說傢,寫遍奇幻、科幻、恐怖、推理、驚悚、曆史、主流文學,任何類型,隻要他一齣手,必定叫好又叫座,捧迴無數大奬,是名副其實的“跨界之王”。
The multiple-award-winning science fiction master returns to the universe that is his greatest triumph--the world of "Hyperion" and "The Fall ofHyperion" --with a novel even more magnificent than its predecessors. Dan Simmons's "Hyperion" was an immediate sensation on its first publication in 1989. This staggering multifaceted tale of the far future heralded the conquest of the science fiction field by a man who had already won the World Fantasy Award for his first novel ("Song of Kali") and had also published one of the most well-received horror novels in the field, "Carrion Comfort." "Hyperion" went on to win the Hugo Award as Best Novel, and it and its companion volume, "The Fall of Hyperion," took their rightful places in the science fiction pantheon of new classics. Now, six years later, Simmons returns to this richly imagined world of technological achievement, excitement, wonder and fear. "Endymion" is a story about love and memory, triumph and terror--an instant candidate for the field's highest honors.
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大約三百萬字的四部麯終於看完瞭,太棒瞭太棒瞭。 在我的過去遇見你的未來,多麼美妙奇幻的愛情 再見,金絲雀 再見,小雨燕 有人的地方就有左中右,有電腦的地方也一樣 共情與愛是宇宙中最偉大的基本力
評分圖書標籤: 科幻 海伯利安 丹·西濛斯 DanSimons Hyperion 太空歌劇 小說 史詩
評分故事敘述很平緩,節奏有點慢。包袱抖瞭不少,包括New Jerusalem的空城、Nemes的來龍去脈都刻意捂著沒講。期待最後一本。
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