Chalmers was elected a fellow of the Academy of Humanities in 1997. His primary research interest is the philosophy of science and he is author of the best-selling textbook What Is This Thing Called Science? which has been translated into many languages.
He has been a visiting scholar at the Flinders University Philosophy Department since 1999. For the 2007 fall semester he was a visiting professor at the University of Pittsburgh.
Chalmers is an associate professor at the History and Philosophy of Science department of the University of Sydney.
Science and Its Fabrication, Open University Press and University of Minnesota Press, 1990, pp. 142+xii. (Translated into French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Korean, Portuguese and Chinese.)
What Is This Thing Called Science?, 3rd revised edition, University of Queensland Press, Hackett, 1999. (Originally published 1976; second edition: 1982.)
The Scientist's Atom and the Philosopher's Stone – How Science Succeeded and Philosophy Failed to Gain Knowledge of Atoms, Springer, 2009, pp. 288+xii.
This new edition of Chalmers's highly regarded and widely read work-translated into fifteen languages-is extensively rewritten and reorganized, reflecting the experience of the author, his colleagues, and correspondents in twenty years of teaching from the previous edition. Significant additions are new chapters on the Bayesian approach to science, the new experimentalism, the nature of scientific laws, and the realism/anti-realism debate. An ideal introduction to scientific method, Chalmers's work is both accessible to beginners and a valuable resource for advanced students and scholars.
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1 歸納主義 眼見為實 經驗歸納的事實就是科學 (但事實不代錶真相) 2 否證主義 可以校驗是否正確的纔是科學(但錯瞭也許隻是當時科學水平不夠) 3 結構科學觀 科學是圍繞一個範式體係運作的(但太強調範式的重要性) 4 貝葉斯主義 科學不是絕對的東西 可以計算概率 對錯都有可...
評分前麵幾章算是勉強知道作者在說什麼,後麵我基本完全看不懂瞭:)留待再思考幾年再重新拿起這本書吧。 在現代,科學受到高度尊崇。因為“科學的特彆之處是它從事實中推導齣來,而不是根據個人的意見。”但這句話隻有在高度限定的條件下纔能得到認可。具體而言,大多數人認為科學...
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