她得過無數項國傢級奬。2003年,題為“恩裏剋的旅行”的係列報道介紹瞭一個洪都拉斯男孩曆盡艱辛到美國萬裏尋母的故事,獲得瞭十幾項奬,包括普利策特稿寫作奬(Pulitzer Prize for feature writing)、喬治‧波爾剋國際報導奬(George Polk Award for International Reporting)、羅伯特‧肯尼迪新聞奬首奬(Grand Prize of the Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Awards),以及美國西裔記者協會頒發的吉列爾莫•馬丁內斯-馬剋斯綜閤傑齣奬(Guillermo Martinez-Marquez Award for Overall Excellence)。1998年,她曾因一個有關藥品成癮傢庭孩子的係列報道而成為普利策奬候選人。1994年,她曾因一個有關飢餓問題的係列報道而獲得喬治‧波爾剋地方報導奬(George Polk Award for Local Reporting)。"
In this astonishing true story, award-winning journalist Sonia Nazario recounts the unforgettable odyssey of a Honduran boy who braves unimaginable hardship and peril to reach his mother in the United States.
When Enrique is five years old, his mother, Lourdes, too poor to feed her children, leaves Honduras to work in the United States. The move allows her to send money back home to Enrique so he can eat better and go to school past the third grade.
Lourdes promises Enrique she will return quickly. But she struggles in America. Years pass. He begs for his mother to come back. Without her, he becomes lonely and troubled. When she calls, Lourdes tells him to be patient. Enrique despairs of ever seeing her again. After eleven years apart, he decides he will go find her.
Enrique sets off alone from Tegucigalpa, with little more than a slip of paper bearing his mother’s North Carolina telephone number. Without money, he will make the dangerous and illegal trek up the length of Mexico the only way he can–clinging to the sides and tops of freight trains.
With gritty determination and a deep longing to be by his mother’s side, Enrique travels through hostile, unknown worlds. Each step of the way through Mexico, he and other migrants, many of them children, are hunted like animals. Gangsters control the tops of the trains. Bandits rob and kill migrants up and down the tracks. Corrupt cops all along the route are out to fleece and deport them. To evade Mexican police and immigration authorities, they must jump onto and off the moving boxcars they call El Tren de la Muerte–The Train of Death. Enrique pushes forward using his wit, courage, and hope–and the kindness of strangers. It is an epic journey, one thousands of immigrant children make each year to find their mothers in the United States.
Based on the Los Angeles Times newspaper series that won two Pulitzer Prizes, one for feature writing and another for feature photography, Enrique’s Journey is the timeless story of families torn apart, the yearning to be together again, and a boy who will risk his life to find the mother he loves.
From the Hardcover edition.
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中國日報網環球在綫5月8日報道 據英國《衛報》近日披露,倫敦希斯羅國際機場附近的一所“兒童之傢”涉嫌販賣華裔兒童,並強迫他們從事毒品走私和色情犯罪活動。英國首相布朗5月6日嚴厲指責“這是不人道也是不可接受的行為”,並要求內政大臣立即調查此事,保護無辜兒童。 ...
評分還沒有讀完, 所以會在完全度過之後再做評論, 但是如果可以, 請看紀錄片which way home會有更多的感悟。記錄片是描述同樣的一批孩子, 同樣的事情,為瞭同樣的渴望,他們有的完成瞭, 有的沒有完成, either way, it's a dead end anyways... be appreciated we can still st...
評分還沒有讀完, 所以會在完全度過之後再做評論, 但是如果可以, 請看紀錄片which way home會有更多的感悟。記錄片是描述同樣的一批孩子, 同樣的事情,為瞭同樣的渴望,他們有的完成瞭, 有的沒有完成, either way, it's a dead end anyways... be appreciated we can still st...
評分中國日報網環球在綫5月8日報道 據英國《衛報》近日披露,倫敦希斯羅國際機場附近的一所“兒童之傢”涉嫌販賣華裔兒童,並強迫他們從事毒品走私和色情犯罪活動。英國首相布朗5月6日嚴厲指責“這是不人道也是不可接受的行為”,並要求內政大臣立即調查此事,保護無辜兒童。 ...
評分中國日報網環球在綫5月8日報道 據英國《衛報》近日披露,倫敦希斯羅國際機場附近的一所“兒童之傢”涉嫌販賣華裔兒童,並強迫他們從事毒品走私和色情犯罪活動。英國首相布朗5月6日嚴厲指責“這是不人道也是不可接受的行為”,並要求內政大臣立即調查此事,保護無辜兒童。 ...
圖書標籤: 美國文學 新聞學 Enrique'sJourney immigration Pulitzer_Prize 英文原版 紀實文學 Sonia_Nazario
評分抱著不情願的態度開始讀的 但是真的是一本好書 很容易讀 讀完之後幸福感爆棚 推薦~
評分we are blessed
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