1. About Discovery 1 /
Purpose and Scope 2 / The Joy of Discovery 7 / Importance to Society 8 / An Art and a Science 9 / Intended Audience 11 / The Organization of What Follows 12 / A Little Background in Earth Science 13
2. Strategy for Discovery 31 /
Don't Follow the Crowd 32 / Rebel, but Wisely 35 / Strive to Enhance Serendipity 37 / Avoid Science Eddies 39 / Study the Earth, and the Science of Geology 41 / Seek the Nonquestions 43 / See Your Era in Long-Term Perspective 46 / Go with Intuition 48 / Avoid Sidetracking to Trivia 52 / Be Competitive, Be a Winner, Be First 54 / Argue by Analogy 57 / Vision, Hypotheses, and Objective Testing 59 / The Strategy of Exploration for Understanding 62
3. Tactics for Discovery 66 /
Adapt and Adopt Instruments and Techniques 66 / Skim the Cream 69 / Minimize Jargon 71 / Speak (Listen) to the Earth, and It Shall Teach Thee 72 / Go for the Spatial Pattern 78 / How to Choose a Graduate School 81 / Skim the Rest of the Volume, Any Volume 84 / Do It Yourself 86 / The Knack of the Fresh Perspective 87 / Choose Your Problem Very Carefully 89 / The Curve of Discovery 92 / Overcoming the "Terminal" Paper 93
4. Personal Traits and Attitudes for Discoverers 97 /
Never Confuse Sophistication with Understanding 98 / Enjoy the Struggle, Not the Spoils 100 / Never Fully Accept Any Hypothesis, Theory, Law, or Doctrine 103 / Respect, Not Reverence 105 / Let's Hear It for Enthusiasm 108 / There Is No Limit to What You Can Accomplish if Someone Else Gets the Credit 110 / Humility Leads to Discovery 110 / Audacity Leads to Discovery 113 / Be Optimistic, at Least Secretly 115 / Avoid All Pretense 116 / Remember a Scientist's Debt to Society 118 / Dream a Little, or a Lot 121 / Occasionally, Think Like a Child 122 / Work Hard, Then Harder 124 / Some Characteristics of an Innovator 125
5. Caveats 127 /
Beware of Indoctrination 127 / Beware of Occam's Razor 129 / Beware of Classification Schemes 133
6. A Few Views and Comments on Science 136 /
How, Not Why 137 / A Science Among the Sciences 139 / Will Science Stifle Itself? 143 / The Discoverers and the Do-It-Righters 146 / Big Science Vs. Little Science, The Wrong Focus 149 / The Fundamental Conflict Between Bureaucracy and Science 152 / The Joy and the Perils of Success 155 / Youth and Age 156 / There Is Only One Earth 159 / How to Recognize an Important Contribution to Science 160 / How to Recognize That You Have Made an Important Discovery 163 / Major Discoveries Are Not Made Democratically 164
7. The Inside Story of One Discovery 167
8. Closing Remarks 187
The Incomplete Guide to the Art of Discovery 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載
網誌原文: Jack Ertle Oliver的The Incomplete Guide to the Art of Discovery終於讀完瞭,這本英文還算淺顯的、隻有200頁的小書,細讀起來前前後後竟花瞭一個月的時間。不連續的閱讀進程影響瞭整體的理解,於是,現在覺齣梳理一...
評分網誌原文: Jack Ertle Oliver的The Incomplete Guide to the Art of Discovery終於讀完瞭,這本英文還算淺顯的、隻有200頁的小書,細讀起來前前後後竟花瞭一個月的時間。不連續的閱讀進程影響瞭整體的理解,於是,現在覺齣梳理一...
評分網誌原文: Jack Ertle Oliver的The Incomplete Guide to the Art of Discovery終於讀完瞭,這本英文還算淺顯的、隻有200頁的小書,細讀起來前前後後竟花瞭一個月的時間。不連續的閱讀進程影響瞭整體的理解,於是,現在覺齣梳理一...
評分網誌原文: Jack Ertle Oliver的The Incomplete Guide to the Art of Discovery終於讀完瞭,這本英文還算淺顯的、隻有200頁的小書,細讀起來前前後後竟花瞭一個月的時間。不連續的閱讀進程影響瞭整體的理解,於是,現在覺齣梳理一...
評分網誌原文: Jack Ertle Oliver的The Incomplete Guide to the Art of Discovery終於讀完瞭,這本英文還算淺顯的、隻有200頁的小書,細讀起來前前後後竟花瞭一個月的時間。不連續的閱讀進程影響瞭整體的理解,於是,現在覺齣梳理一...
圖書標籤: 科研
incomplete but nearly
評分well written!! what a shame i'm not a sci student
評分well written!! what a shame i'm not a sci student
評分well written!! what a shame i'm not a sci student
評分incomplete but nearly
The Incomplete Guide to the Art of Discovery 2025 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載