Travels in the Scriptorium 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书
“对于自己写的那些故事,他感兴趣的不是那些故事与尘世众生的关系,而是那些故事与其他故事之间的关系。”(P7,《纽约三部曲》)——这段话无疑是对奥斯特的第13本小说《密室中的旅行》最为精准的描述。 在这本仅有140页的小书里,奥斯特化身为失忆的“茫然先生”(Mr. B...
评分作者用一种循环的手法,给人一种很奇妙的感觉。 全书看完后,我做了一个小小的梦: 背景好像是医院,我一直在走,不断遇见不同的陌生人,然后,戛然而止。 这可能是本书所带来的一些奇妙吧, 于是我更相信这本书有种奇妙的魔力. 我们一起展开一场奇妙的密室旅行, 去发现自己原来在看...
评分暑假前,在书店买下了这本书,期望有一种在密室里旅行的真实感,就在昨天,才完整地读完了他。 总体来说,不是让人觉得很满意,纵使他文笔流畅,有些地方的描写还是满细腻的,但给人感觉是一个莫名其妙的开头,再莫名其妙中进行,最后,又在莫名其妙中结束了。 ...
评分我觉得Mr.Blank应该是挺帅的,那种能杀死人的帅,或者,至少挺性感的,因为,我觉得孤独的就是最性感的,因而,可是引申到孤独的人身上。 我没有看明白这本书,不知道作者到底要表达什么,我说过这样对于作者来说是一种悲哀,因为我也这样,很多时候,写出来的东西都被...
图书标签: 保罗·奥斯特 Paul_Auster PaulAuster Paul.Auster 美国 小说 auster paul
An old man sits in a room, with a single door and window, a bed, a desk and a chair. Each day he awakes with no memory, unsure of whether or not he is locked into the room. Attached to the few objects around him are one-word, hand-written, labels and on the desk is a series of vaguely familiar black-and-white photographs and four piles of paper. Then a middle-aged woman called Anna enters and talks of pills and treatment, but also of love and promises. Who is this Mr Blank, and what is his fate? What does Anna represent from his past - and will he have enough time to ever make sense of the clues that arise? After the huge success of The Brooklyn Follies, Travels in the Scriptorium sees Auster return to more metaphysical territory. A dark puzzle, and a game that implicates both reader and writer alike, it is an ingenious exploration of language, responsibility and the passage of time.
听过,Paul Auster一贯题材、手法、风格。 Audio book不如Radio Drama有意思
评分Mr.Blank--Who he really is and what exactly has he done? What was his relationship with the man in the story? Why did he start the treatment? *Auster is no doubt a very good writer.
评分dont blow the old General, he needs to store the bullets.
评分就知道是这种展开,后设玩多了略感山穷水尽,奥拉西奥·奥利维拉神马的高级多了。只是好一阵子不读老爷子怎么写起伪黄段子来了……说白了就是无解的土拨鼠之日…… 【11月6日,重读纽约三部曲,修正一下对这一本的评价。老爷子还真是喜欢模糊真实与虚构之间的边界啊。万能的Fanshawe。
Travels in the Scriptorium 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书