【美】科馬剋•麥卡锡(Cormac McCarthy),美國小說傢、劇作傢,諾貝爾文學奬的熱門人選。1933年7月齣生於美國羅德島。代錶作有《血色子午綫》、《邊境三部麯》、《老無所依》、《路》等。《血色子午綫》開啓麥卡锡創作的轉摺點,在《紐約時報》評選的“過去25年美國最佳小說”中名列第三。《邊境三部麯》引起圖書界轟動,榮膺美國國傢圖書奬和國傢書評奬。《老無所依》改編為同名電影,力奪奧斯卡最佳影片等四項重量級奬項。《路》榮獲2007年普利策最佳小說奬,據其改編的電影《末日危途》引起極大轟動。這些均奠定瞭麥卡锡的大師地位,令其由此獲譽“當代最偉大的美國作傢之一”,“海明威與福剋納唯一的繼承者”
The national bestseller and the first volume in Cormac McCarthy's Border Trilogy , All the Pretty Horses is the tale of John Grady Cole, who at sixteen finds himself at the end of a long line of Texas ranchers, cut off from the only life he has ever imagined for himself. With two companions, he sets off for Mexico on a sometimes idyllic, sometimes comic journey to a place where dreams are paid for in blood. Winner of the National Book Award for Fiction.
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評分An iterview By Richard B. Woodward "You know about Mojave rattlesnakes?" Cormac McCarthy asks. The question has come up over lunch in Mesilla, N.M., because the hermitic author, who may be the best unknown novelist in America, wants to steer conversation aw...
評分 評分“那時,北方的天空已經聚集瞭雨颮,黑雲就緊壓在她的頭頂。她把寬帽簷拉下擋住臉,用係帶在下巴上係好。她在風暴中騎行,披散的黑發交纏著,在肩頭上飄揚。閃電已經穿透黑雲,在她身後悄然地滑落下來。她在小山間奔跑著,對這一切全然無所畏懼。此時,雨點已經隨風飄來,落在...
評分看瞭簡介,嚮往那樣的生活,於是讀瞭。貌似並沒有宣傳的那麼好。可能因為讀的是翻譯過來的吧。倒是裏麵描寫的生活,是我所嚮往的,真的希望我的一生中,有那麼一次流浪的經曆,隻是覺得自己沒有約翰格雷迪那麼勇敢和堅毅罷瞭。 就翻譯過來的文字來講,的確沒有太多起眼的地方;...
圖書標籤: 美國 McCarthy 西部 小說 英文小說 原版小說 CormacMcCarthy Cormac
評分整本書看完隻剩下這句話還記得:“He saw very clearly how all his life led only to this moment and all after led nowhere at all.”
評分"He'd half meant to speak but those eyes had altered the world forever in the space of a heartbeat." 非常美的愛情
評分A story on ambitions and the prices you will pay to achieve them. Touching and makes you think.
評分"He'd half meant to speak but those eyes had altered the world forever in the space of a heartbeat." 非常美的愛情
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