String theory is one of the most exciting and challenging areas of modern theoretical physics. This book guides the reader from the basics of string theory to recent developments. It introduces the basics of perturbative string theory, world-sheet supersymmetry, space-time supersymmetry, conformal field theory and the heterotic string, before describing modern developments, including D-branes, string dualities and M-theory. It then covers string geometry and flux compactifications, applications to cosmology and particle physics, black holes in string theory and M-theory, and the microscopic origin of black-hole entropy. It concludes with Matrix theory, the AdS/CFT duality and its generalizations. This book is ideal for graduate students and researchers in modern string theory, and will make an excellent textbook for a one-year course on string theory. It contains over 120 exercises with solutions, and over 200 homework problems with solutions available on a password protected website for lecturers at
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今天把<string theory and M-theory>加到瞭豆瓣上,順便看瞭一下想讀、在讀和讀過這本書人的豆瓣。發現大概隻有一半是學物理的,剩下一半大抵想對弦論有科普層次的瞭解。這本書不適閤做科普讀物,甚至對學物理專業的研究生也不算簡單。雖然這是一本不錯的弦論教材,特彆是給...
評分Polchinski's book also have exercises but most of them are a bit difficult. this one is suitable, and it contains exercise with answers. a necessary one.
評分今天把<string theory and M-theory>加到瞭豆瓣上,順便看瞭一下想讀、在讀和讀過這本書人的豆瓣。發現大概隻有一半是學物理的,剩下一半大抵想對弦論有科普層次的瞭解。這本書不適閤做科普讀物,甚至對學物理專業的研究生也不算簡單。雖然這是一本不錯的弦論教材,特彆是給...
評分前8章寫的不錯, 第9章我以前看過arxiv 9702155,如果沒看過估計也夠嗆 第10章,我看的就有點暈瞭, 相關的techinic不熟, 後來Katrin Becker的一個學生給我講瞭idea, 纔知道 那段在寫什麼。
評分Polchinski's book also have exercises but most of them are a bit difficult. this one is suitable, and it contains exercise with answers. a necessary one.
圖書標籤: 物理 弦理論 String 弦論 stringtheory 理論物理 科普 物理學
我還是最喜歡Polchinski, 因為是初心. 評論說這本有GSW的風格,但GSW最大的優點(振幅計算)恰恰是此書所欠缺的. Becker這書的好處是對Green-Schwartz formalism有詳細介紹(Polchinski根本沒寫),light-cone量子化比Polchinski要詳細, 然後成書時間晚, 故而有你們熱愛的AdS/CFT. 緊化時空弦論這一塊的技術已經和微擾弦很不一樣瞭,我覺得幾乎就隻是classical supergravity而已, 沒有UV量子化的內容(因為不知道啊2333). 有講mirror symmetry的野心,但不講拓撲弦的話這就注定是trivial的
評分掃過Polchinski和BLT的和Barton的string book,再迴過頭纔感覺這本纔是最有GSW風格的書(此BBS和GSW是同一個Schwarz!質量保證你懂的),在complete和裝逼之間平衡點最舒爽的,有一氣嗬成之感. 一般書沒涉及到的(Flux) compactification, ADS/CFT也有討論到. 緊緻化的數學intro建議看GSW II chapter12, chapter 15的, 很爽的
String Theory and M-Theory 2024 pdf epub mobi 電子書 下載