安妮·法迪曼(Anne Fadiman),生於美國紐約市,在康涅狄格州和洛杉磯長大,畢業於哈佛大學。畢業後,她在懷俄明州當野外探險嚮導,後來迴到紐約從事寫作。曾任《生活》雜誌的特約撰稿人,《文明》雜誌編輯和《美國學人》編輯。她的第一本書《鬼怪抓住你,你就跌倒瞭》(The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down,FSG,1997)獲“美國國傢書評奬”,她還寫有隨筆集《書趣》(Ex Libris),編有《經典重溫》(Rereadings,FSG,2005)等作品。她現與傢人住在馬薩諸塞州西部,並擔任耶魯大學弗朗西斯住校作傢。
Anne Fadiman is--by her own admission--the sort of person who learned about sex from her father's copy of Fanny Hill, whose husband buys her 19 pounds of dusty books for her birthday, and who once found herself poring over her roommate's 1974 Toyota Corolla manual because it was the only written material in the apartment that she had not read at least twice.
This witty collection of essays recounts a lifelong love affair with books and language. For Fadiman, as for many passionate readers, the books she loves have become chapters in her own life story. Writing with remarkable grace, she revives the tradition of the well-crafted personal essay, moving easily from anecdotes about Coleridge and Orwell to tales of her own pathologically literary family. As someone who played at blocks with her father's 22-volume set of Trollope ("My Ancestral Castles") and who only really considered herself married when she and her husband had merged collections ("Marrying Libraries"), she is exquisitely well equipped to expand upon the art of inscriptions, the perverse pleasures of compulsive proof-reading, the allure of long words, and the satisfactions of reading out loud. There is even a foray into pure literary gluttony--Charles Lamb liked buttered muffin crumbs between the leaves, and Fadiman knows of more than one reader who literally consumes page corners. Perfectly balanced between humor and erudition, Ex Libris establishes Fadiman as one of our finest contemporary essayists.
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這本書我最早看的是繁體,簡體齣版我已經等瞭好多年瞭。 那時我還在上大學。我清楚的記得,對這本書的熱愛讓我在一個暑假跑到國圖不外藉的圖書室裏,一字一句的想要將它敲齣來——影印每張要2塊錢。 當然這和我所有的興趣愛好一樣,在持續瞭不到3章後就放棄瞭。 這麼多年後...
評分前幾天和美院的幾個剛認識的朋友一起吃飯,其中一個告訴我說他的專業是室內設計。 我一聽這個專業,不禁樂瞭一下。因為想起安妮法迪曼在【書的婚事】裏講的一件事兒。 安妮的朋友把房子租給一個室內設計師住瞭幾個月。過瞭一段時間,當房子重新收迴的時候,他們發現整個書房...
評分作者說,愛書的人分兩種,世俗的和高雅的。高雅的愛書者對書真是嗬護備至,不能容忍彆人把書在看到的那一頁倒扣起來。甚至即使對書簽也挑三揀四,不能太厚,否則會在書上留下印痕。而世俗的愛書人,會為瞭減輕戴上飛機的書的重量,而把已經讀過的章節撕下來。 作為一個什麼東西...
評分讀著安妮.法迪曼的<<書趣>>,嘴角禁不住的揚起來,感覺那種在書中纔能找到的小小快樂又迴來瞭. 很羨慕她周圍的環境,有這麼多嗜書的親人,朋友.這種傢庭氛圍就是書香門第的氛圍. 我一直心嚮往之...她的這本書讓我不由得想到楊絳先生寫到的傢庭場景,一張書桌,每人各據一角,中間堆...
評分關於書的書 ——讀安妮·法迪曼的《書趣——一個普通讀者的自白》 安妮·法迪曼說,凡是討論書的書,我一嚮都難於拒絕。於是,遇到她寫的《書趣——一個普通讀者的自白》,我也就不拒絕瞭,其實也拒絕不瞭。 正如書名,這確是一本有趣的書。...
圖書標籤: 談書 英文書 英文 美國 社會文化 書之書~O(∩_∩)O~ 散文 Miscellany
每讀完一篇都要把書抱在懷裏,沉浸在結識a new true friend的幸福當中,貪心地延緩持續到來的感動。怎麼能有一個書癡這樣懂另一個書癡!
評分a book about book lovers
評分a book about book lovers
評分每讀完一篇都要把書抱在懷裏,沉浸在結識a new true friend的幸福當中,貪心地延緩持續到來的感動。怎麼能有一個書癡這樣懂另一個書癡!
評分每讀完一篇都要把書抱在懷裏,沉浸在結識a new true friend的幸福當中,貪心地延緩持續到來的感動。怎麼能有一個書癡這樣懂另一個書癡!
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