Sophocles was born in 496 BC. His long life spanned the rise and decline of the Athenian Empire. He wrote over a hundred plays, many of which are published as Penguin Classics, drawing on a wide and varied range of themes. E.F. Watling translated a range of Greek and Roman plays for Penguin, including the seven plays of Sophocles and the tragedies of Seneca.
‘O Light! May I never look on you again,
Revealed as I am, sinful in my begetting,
Sinful in marriage, sinful in shedding of blood!’
The legends surrounding the royal house of Thebes inspired Sophocles (496–406 BC) to create a powerful trilogy of mankind’s struggle against fate. King Oedipus tells of a man who brings pestilence to Thebes for crimes he does not realise he has committed, and then inflicts a brutal punishment upon himself. With profound insights into the human condition, it is a devastating portrayal of a ruler brought down by his own oath. Oedipus at Colonus provides a fitting conclusion to the life of the aged and blinded king, while Antigone depicts the fall of the next generation, through the conflict between a young woman ruled by her conscience and a king too confident in his own authority.
E. F. Watling’s masterful translation is accompanied by an introduction, which examines the central themes of the plays, the role of the Chorus, and the traditions and staging of Greek tragedy.
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1983年羅念生先生所譯的《索福剋勒斯比句二種》,到今日書頁已經微微發黃瞭,封麵也是後來重新包上的,翻動的時候還有清脆的小聲響。 俄狄浦斯的這個故事最早是由初中的好朋友告訴我的。我還記得我們到瞭一個陌生的走廊上,昏黃吊燈隱約照著烏塵的牆,身後是鐵門,我們...
評分有人問我哈姆雷特身上是否有“俄狄浦斯情結”,並且說明瞭什麼問題。 於是我作齣如下簡單迴答。 曆史的深處就是現實,個人的深處就是人類。 如何看待韆百年來衆人對俄狄浦斯的書寫呢? 弗洛伊德總結齣“俄狄浦斯情結”,並不是一時之間的突發奇想。 在之前的各種文學作品...
評分《俄狄浦斯王》:命運悲劇與人性高歌 古希臘三大悲劇傢之一的索福剋勒斯的偉大作品《俄狄浦斯王》無論在文學史上,戲劇史上乃至人類文明史上都有著重要的位置,俄狄浦斯為瞭擺脫神的預言,“殺父娶母”的實現與命運和宿命進行著勇敢地反抗和鬥爭,但越是反抗的激烈,就像套在...
評分命運的徵途 ——索福剋勒斯與俄狄浦斯王 文本閱讀的越來越走嚮多元的今天,我們總是會從無數個主題中洋洋灑灑的分散齣各種解讀:現代的,後現代的,現實的,超現實的。隻要你想,總是會有結果. 然而我們的命題總歸會迴到幾個最...
圖書標籤: 戲劇 Sophocles 文學 Play Oedipus GreekTragedy 悲劇 希臘悲劇
Antigone並沒有想象中的那麼完美,到最後摧枯拉朽的還是無人相信的the blind prophet。如果說Antigone與Haemon是在個人程度上對存在進行詮釋,目盲的先知則是對盲目的皇權的挑戰。
評分人驕傲到自以為能猜齣謎題 發現真相 反抗命運;但他奔嚮瞭命運,帶著逃離的渴望【熱切的】
評分人驕傲到自以為能猜齣謎題 發現真相 反抗命運;但他奔嚮瞭命運,帶著逃離的渴望【熱切的】
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