Brad Green是Google公司AngularJS项目的技术经理。他同时还直接负责可访问性和技术支持方面的工作。
Shyam Seshadri是Fundoo Solutions公司的老板兼CEO,同时经营AngularJS商店,并且致力于为印度市场提供创造性和有趣的产品。
AngularJS 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书
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评分哥一遍又一遍的看。看的是惊心动魄、激动不已、手舞足蹈、半夜起来巧angularJs。真是不错不错。未来web程序开发的典范。高前端的首选、比起外国200大洋便宜了3倍、让您少走弯路、然您省心、省钱。 google出品、必属精品。
评分说实话,对于完全没接触过Angular的人,读完这本书也基本上是处于云里雾里的状态。 这并不完全是这本书的错。Angular本身存在太多可能令Web开发者摸不着头脑的概念。service,factory,provider什么区别?compile是什么?link又是什么鬼?Angular本生并不是基于web出生的,这...
评分国内angularjs第一本翻译,内容清晰实用,技术点覆盖全面,是入门教程里的不二首选,搞前端的童鞋们都可以看看,非常不错。个人觉得是一本,更好更方便的前后端的分离开发,维护成本的减少,开发效率的提高,更加值 得我们学习研究
图书标签: AngularJS javascript JavaScript 编程 O'Reilly Web MVC 计算机
Develop smaller, lighter web apps that are simple to create and easy to test, extend, and maintain as they grow. This hands-on guide introduces you to AngularJS, the open source JavaScript framework that uses Model - view - controller (MVC) architecture, data binding, client-side templates, and dependency injection to create a much-needed structure for building web apps. Guided by two engineers who worked on AngularJS at Google, you'll walk through the framework's key features, and then build a working AngularJS app - from layout to testing, compiling, and debugging. You'll learn how AngularJS helps reduce the complexity of your web app. Dive deep into Angular's building blocks and learn how they work together Gain maximum flexibility by separating logic, data, and presentation responsibilities with MVC Assemble your full app in the browser, using client-side templates Use AngularJS directives to extend HTML with declarative syntax Communicate with the server and implement simple caching with the $http service Use dependency injection to improve refactoring, testability, and multiple environment design Get code samples for common problems you face in most web apps
评分Let's do more practices for the cycle of rapid development.
AngularJS 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书