Quickly out of stock, the first edition of the definitive work Claude Cahun, a Biography is reedited here with a wealth of previously unpublished material on the subversive and fascinating artist considered one of the most inventive artists of the between war era. In an in-depth and authoritative analysis of the ethical, political and aesthetic aspects of Cahun’s artistic process, eminent essayist and art historian François Leperlier, modern aesthetics and photography specialist, fully captures Cahun’s unique personality in this sole work dedicated to the artist thus far. More than simply recounting her life story, he demonstrates how her astonishing avant-gardist writings and photographic work explored questions of narcissism and gender (feminine and masculine, heterosexuality and homosexuality), heralding contemporary themes of body art, gender crossing and theatricality. Claude Cahun’s works are found today in prestigious museums throughout the world.
Philosopher, essayist and art historian François Leperlier is a specialist on the aesthetics of modernity and contemporary photography.
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圖書標籤: 女攝影師 Claude CahunClaude Cahun
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